Noah Hanifin

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I did know that chivalry was going to disappear by the time I was in high school or college, and boys are jerks. That was until I met him, I was moving into my sophomore dorm that day.

Coming from a small town, there wasn't many good colleges to choose from, it was only natural that I chose something out of state.

Boston college was the only college that gave me a full ride based on just my grades. Other than the rule that I have to live in the dorms, everything was going smoothly.

My dad managed to get me one of the more secluded and nicer dorms, the ones that are more than just a box with two beds. It didn't have anybody patrolling the building but security isn't light on this side of campus. But I don't have a roommate to bother me.

"Bailey, boy, this way." I coo down at the dog following my heels. The stairs are probably going to be the death of me and this is only my first round of boxes.

In a way it isn't illegal to keep him here, he is registered as my service dog, and the manual said service dogs allowed but they had a size regulation. He is just skimming at the line of acceptance and being denied.

"Why isn't the elevator working?" I hear someone mutter banging on the button of the third floor landing I just got to.

"It isn't going anywhere, I wouldn't try." I advise the stranger and usher Bailey in front of me.

"Was that a dog?" The boy tries to take a peek behind me, but I have trained Bailey enough so he knows when to hide.

"Are you out of your mind?" I scoff at him, playing it off, "We aren't allowed to have dogs on campus."

He nods at something behind me, "I think you are."

I turn around and there sits Bailey, his tongue out and slightly panting. I take a deep breath, "He's my service dog, I didn't want anyone to know, but now you do. I hope you feel honored."

He flips his hair out of his face, "I sure do." He went along with my sarcasm, "The name is Noah Hanifin."

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