Missy POV

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"Knock! Knock!" The door called.
I opened the door of the Apollo cabin just to see the dreaded pair. The Stolls. I shut the door in their faces, but Travis put his foot in the door to make it not close completely.
"Missy!  I told you! We're sorry!" Connor whined.
"Guys! You took away my memory! For a prank! Soooo not funny!" I yelled as I stormed past them into the courtyard.
"Well, if you're not going to accept our apologies here-" Travis started.
"We'll just keep you in our cabin until you do!" Connor finished.
I froze, trying to process what they were saying.
Without further notice, the twins snatch me up and carry me to their cabin.
"HELP?!" I yell into the courtyard.
A few campers look up and grin. They watch me squirm as the twins pull me towards their cabin.
"Be careful with her, Stolls! We need her for capture the flag tonight!" Jack, a boy from my cabin, yells.
The Stoll twins grin.
"We will!" They chorus.
I groan and lay back against them as they carry me into the camp's own fortress of prank supplies and travel guides.
The Hermes cabin.
Hey guys! I just wanted to point out that I am, in fact, Missy! I will be Missy Queen in this roleplay, so yeah...Thanks peeps!

Camp Half-Blood RoleplayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang