Chapter 12 - Fight and Flight

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            "I thought it would be easier to tell you know that your Father and I can have you for the Easter holidays and you can bring up to seven friends with you if you want to for the week. We will write to you on your birthday as well. Hope you aren't getting into too much trouble and your school work is going well.

            All my love Mum xxx"

            "Well that was…pointless." I said putting the letter down. The Easter holidays were three weeks away, I don't see why she couldn't let me know closer to the time.

            "Hey it's something to look forward too." He said chirpily.

            "Yeah suppose." I said yawning.

            "So who you gunna bring?" He said in a sing song voice.

            "Hmm I don't know." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Well I'm obviously going to take you lot if you want to." I said rolling my eyes.

            "I'm pretty sure we would like too. Where do you live?"

            "About an hour or so from Kings Cross Station. Where in a very small village surrounded by fields."

            "Oh cool. So what are we going to do there?"

            "Suppose we could go camping for the week. We've got five tents so we could camp in the fields. It would be fun."

            "Do you like camping?" Fred asked surprised.

            "Yeah I love it! Why?"

            "You don't look like the type to go camping." He said smiling.

            "I love it. I can put a tent up in under a minute."

            "Er don't you just unfold it and it pops up?" I couldn't help but laugh and he looked offended.

            "I'm sorry for laughing but we don't have those tents. You have to put these up by hand, with a mallet," He looked confused. "A small wooden hammer you hit the pegs into the ground with," He still looked confused. "Oh my god Fred! Have you ever been camping before?" I was shocked.

            "Yeah, but my Dad always puts it up. Well he puts it down and it pops up." He looked embarrassed and really cute.

            "Look, when we get to ours for the holiday, I'm going to show you how to put a tent up, cook, clean and wash up." He looked like he was going to start protesting. "No you need to know these things. I'm not expecting you to master everything, but just know how to do the basics of everything without using magic ok? I'm sure your Mother would appreciate the help as well." He grumbled and sulked.

            "Fine." I kissed him on the cheek and snuggled into his arm.

            "Good." We chatted easily for another hour until we both dropped off near the early hours of the morning.


Fred's P.O.V.

I woke up early the next morning with the sun on my face. That wasn't right. My bed isn't anywhere near a window. George took that bed when we were first years. There in my neck and I stretched and yawned and looked down. Oh that's what happened! Brooke was sleeping on my lap covered in my blanket and I thought we must've dropped off around one after talking for ages. She looked really cute when she was sleeping; her blond hair was partly covering her face and there was a slight smile on her lips and I wondered what she was dreaming of. I stroked her hair and she rolled over in her sleep. I froze so I wouldn't wake her up and she just moved closer into me. I couldn't help but grin at her, she did look cute. God I sounded girly, I need to stop. I checked my watch, it was quarter to nine. The odd Gryffindor student came through and waved to me before they ran out the common room again. Brooke yawned and stretched before looking around confused then realising she was sleeping on my lap. She looked up at me and I smiled.

Eenie Meenie Miney Mo! [A Fred and George Weasley Story]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat