Chapter Nine// Dinner

Start from the beginning

"Buddy!" Nathan exclaims, frowning with disapproval at his dog. Buddy bounds out of the room at his owners strong tone. "I'm sorry," Nathan apologises.

I rise my hand up to wipe Buddy's drool off my cheek from where he has licked me, but another hand beats me to it. With a tissue in his hand, Nathan wipes my cheeks and keeps his eyes studying mine the whole time. He is so close. On his knees, he is bent over, a centimetre separating out breath. "Thanks," I whisper.

Nathan leans back and my heart repeats the beat it skipped. His hand glides through his hair before helping me back onto my feet. "I think he likes you too much," he laughs faintly.

"Yeah, I think so too."

Once we are called down for dinner, Nathan and I make our way into the kitchen. I am acquainted to his parents and they seem delighted to meet me.

"Paige, we've heard so much about you," Mrs Johnson embraces me in a welcoming hug. Just like I had seen her the first time- when I came to return Nathan's phone- she wore her dark urban hair in tight curls that reach her shoulders, with an apron tied around her waist. She releases me to go check on the dinner before turning back around towards Nathan and I. "I can't wait to hear more about you over dinner."

Being a gentleman, Nathan pulls out a chair for me at the table. I sit down politely and wait patiently for the family to join us as Mrs Johnson hollers them in. Bailey skips through the wooden arch and claims the seat opposite me, since Nathan is already to my left.

A middle aged man then enters the room in a smart attire my dad usually wears for work. So I assume he has just arrived home from a busy day at the office or wherever he works. I notice Mrs Johnson whisper into her husband's ear, a smile engraved on her face. I gather it had been something directed at me because he turns around and smiles brightly into my eyes.

"Paige," he beams, pulling a seat out from the table and settling himself down on it. "I'm so glad to finally meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," I reply, trying as hard as I can to make a successful first impression.

"Nathan was right, you really are pretty."

Turning to Nathan, I detect the heat creeping up to his cheeks. He undeniably blushes as I smile back. "You really said that?" I whisper to him while the rest of the family prepare for the meal.

"Maybe," he shrugs with an adorkable smile. It is cute the way he is embarrassed by his own words. This is added to the list of reasons why I like him.

"Enjoy." Placing the food in front of us, Mrs Johnson presents us all with a meal so grand it could never compare to the tinned food my mom cooks for me. To be honest I do it myself most of the time, so this is a real treat.

Nathan kindly passes around the vegetables and I load my plate up with food when he hands me the bowl. As he gives me the spoon, it is unmistakeable that we touch hands. It may have been slight and only a mere contact of skin, but the feeling it gives me is strong. Our eyes connect and we spend a second in silence. Then it is broken by a startling cough.

"So, Paige." Mr Johnson commences a new conversation with the clear of his throat. "How are you doing at school?"

I then tell them about my targets and progress with my education, him seeming rather impressed with my achievements. Not to brag at all but I am a straight A student. That's why Lacy and Josh like to persuade me into doing their homework or write them reviewing cards. I don't mind as I love them but it does get annoying at times, that I don't mention at the table. This is why I am so passionate and affected about how people used to use Nathan in the same way. But thankfully, my help included, that is not the case anymore.

"Paige, I think Bailey has a question she would like to ask you," Mrs Johnson nods towards her daughter. Bailey's cheeks flash red when she swallows her food.

"Mom," Bailey hisses with an obvious look of embarrassment. Mrs Johnson reacts with a stern stare, signalling towards me with a look of persistence.

"Ask he dear."

Bailey turns her face towards me while exhaling, then taking in a deep breath preparing to talk. "Are you in the cheerleading squad?" She asks timidly.

"Bailey is looking forward to attending high school next year and she wants to be a cheerleader. I think that's the only thing she aspires to be," lightly chuckles Mrs Johnson, now smiling again as her daughter has said what she intended.

"I'm sorry but I'm not a cheerleader," I tell her, lowering my cutlery. "I've never really been flexible and I don't get along that well with the cheerleaders. We are sort of in separate friendship groups."

From across the table, I watch as Bailey's expression drops. She obviously must have been hoping that I am someone to look up to. I feel rather bad that I can't be that person she wants me to be.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" She then goes onto ask me. I am pleased to be able to satisfy her this time round.

"Yes, I do actually." That is when I go onto describe Josh. With Nathan beside me I don't want to go into too much detail about my relationship, but I am glad to make Bailey smile with my response to her question.

"He sounds wonderful." She sighs in awe at just the sound of him. I remember being just like her once: dreaming about the perfect guy who will sweep me off my feet. Josh never literally sweeped me off my feet, but I like to recall it that way.

I did slip once and Josh was there to prevent me smashing my head on the floor. He caught my waist and pulled me into him. The whole scene felt surreal, a slow motion silent film replaying in my mind at the remembrance.

"Oh, so is Josh on the football team with you too Nathan?" He raise his head at his mother's voice.

"Oh, um yeah. He is," I glance over at him and catch his gaze. It is clear that Nathan isn't engrossed with the topic of Josh. So, I decide to change the subject back onto him.

"Nathan is a great player," I beam. "He scored all the touch downs at practice today."

"Really? That's great son!" Encourages Mr Johnson. "It's good to see you doing more sports in school."

"Yeah, thanks to Paige," Nathan nudges my elbow which makes me giggle.

"No problem," I smile to all the faces smiling back at me. This family is the nicest I've ever seen. Not like my parents who always wound up arguing and eventually got a divorce. Dinner times used to be the most stressful occasion of the day in my house hold. That was years ago though.

"We are very grateful to you," Mrs Johnson says graciously. 

"Your welcome," I smile into Nathan's eyes, meaning every word. "I am too."

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