Chapter 2/Whore

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Uriah's POV

I've been way too quiet for Sofia's liking. I usually mutter out more than 10 words a hour. Now I just go for at least 2 words an hour. "Tell me what's wrong!!!" Sofia whined getting annoyed by my sudden silence. "Nothings wrong." I stammer boy was I lying yep. I've been feeling watched ever since that new kid Ben was it? Came. Its almost as if this was all a plan. What am I saying I'm just paranoid I guess. "Tell me!" Sofia whined more "I'm tired." Is all I get to say she looked at me before nodding in approval. "Sounds reasonable enough." She says calmly understanding what I mean. "Thanks." I say all she does I nod.

"Hi Sof." A very familiar high pitched voice squeaked. I groan silently great Amanda the slut is here. (If your names Amanda I'm sorry!) "Oh my god hi Amanda!" Sofia immediately perked up. If only she knew what Amanda says behind her back, but no she doesn't believe shit I say. "Hi Uri!" Amanda chirped but her eyes showed hatred for me. "Sup A." I say casually not meeting her deadly gaze. She rolled her eyes 'playfully' before getting deep into conversation with Sof. "I don't like that Amanda girl." An aggravated voice said. I look up to see Ben sitting next to me. "Her voice annoys me." He finished I nod in approval. "So." He says poking my face playfully. "So." I say back now looking at him. "I'm new so tell me how school is for you." Instead of asking it he said it like a statement well then. "It's a living hell!" I said groaning silently. "How come?" He looks like a lost puppy trying to get around and understand. Poor kid if only he knew.

Sighing I say, "Everyone besides my sister and some of my friends hate me for some weird reason." My monotone voice got to him. "Why would they hate you?" He asked wanting to know more. "Because I'm not like most girls I'm not confident I'm not stuck-up I don't act like someone I'm not." I say in the same tone. " your sister like those girls?" He asks hesitantly I stare at him with the blank expression on my face. "No." I say no emotion seeming to linger on my voice. He nods his approval "Good nobody likes stuck-up bitches." Were the words that I never expected from him, but they're good enough.

Out of nowhere Amanda stopped talking to Sofia, and went to sit in front of Ben. I didn't mind since what's the point in caring right? "Hey, I'm Amanda and you must be Ben right?" She asked casually my mouth hung agape what the actual-- "Uri you okay?" Sofia asked concerned. I leaned over and whisper in her ear, "Slut mode activated." Sof looks at me then starts laughing I silently chuckle, and watch as Ben gives us a pleading look. Amanda whispered something into his ear and his face turned a deep shade of red not because he was blushing, but because he was mad. "I honestly feel bad for Sofia if you we're a true friend you'd stab her in the front not the back!" He then got up Amanda's terrified look gave everything away.

Sofia got confused by her look. "Whats he talking about A?" She asked not really understanding why Ben snapped. "He's just trying to be a prick." Amanda said getting Ben angrier. "You fake little bitch!" He said getting closer to her face, making her almost scream. "W-what's going on?" Sofia asked getting a bit shaken up I didn't care I just watched in amusement. "Why don't you tell her what you said huh?" Ben asked demandingly Amanda finally gave in, and looked at both not just me, at both Sofia and I with hatred. "I said why don't we ditch these good for nothing losers and go somewhere fun." Sofia tried to stiffle a laugh while I giggled. "You, Amanda amuse me." Sofia said starting to laugh. "W-what do you mean?" Amanda simply managed to stutter out. "I know I'll sound like a fake friend saying this, but if you wanna leave my life it's okay I won't cry over you or anything I only cry for those people that are worth my tears unfortunately you're not one of those people." Sofia said shrugging what just happened off.

"You ma'am I like you!" Ben exlaimed earning a couple looks, but then random girls started circling us trying to get to Ben. "Ladies ladies don't you see that I'm in a conversation please if you want to talk to me just talk to me later." Ben sounded so rude getting the girls to go crazy well then. After a while the girls left. "You are rude but I like you." I say casually shrugging. "Well then I feel special." He said with a smug smile on his face. "I feel like a loner now." Sofia said acting hurt Ben and I chuckle. Then Ben got up sat next to Sof and hugged her tightly. "Feel like a loner now?" He smirked and he's a perv too hmm. "Ugh perv." Sofia said laughing slightly he chuckled and the three of us kept talking.

"Have you three forgotten that I'm still here?" Amanda said irritated. "Well you aren't of much worth to us to care so why did you bother to stay." Ben said with no sign of mercy my jaw dropped slightly, but Sofia's seemed to hit the floor. We then moved back a bit and said, "Dammmnnn!" A bit too loudly the whole class was starring, mainly at me. "What?" Ben said causing everyone to turn. After a while the bell rang. Gosh reading took freaking forever.


Finally the school day is over I felt like I was going to die. Why in the hell did Slender think that I'd be best suited for this job. Its not really hard all I have to do is get close to the Sinister sisters and Ill be good. But, these girls look so innocent I wonder why Slender needs them. They don't seem as menacing as Slender described them to be. Guess that must be important to tell him. I start walking towards the woods that are behind the school to meet Slender.

"Well?" I jump at Slendermans voice. "They aren't menacing they are like any other girls, but they're merciless tough like and nice one seems to be getting pushed around but I'm not sure." I say Slender seemed to not like this. "Ben I need you to go to the mansion and check up on them okay? I'll get Jeff for the night shift." Instantly I smirk at Slenders words and nod running back to the mansion. Time for a little researching,stalking, and probably some fun.

What do you think I'm trying to improve this since I didn't like the previous book no I didn't delete it I unpublished it because I didn't like it but I will use some of my previous ideas from that book on this sorry if you liked that one I just didn't like it. Well be back soon my creeps......Melody the Violinist.....

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