25 | Tranquility in Karuizawa

Start from the beginning

"We should spend time outside; it's supposed to be sunny all throughout this week."

"Well I hope so," she tried to reply casually. She let out a nervous laugh.

I exhaled and put my arm around her as we continued on our way. "You could stay in my room if there's any sign of a storm, you know."

She nodded her head lightly. "Thanks, Hiroshi."

The four-hour trip to Karuizawa mainly consisted of sleep and occasional snacking. We wanted to be well-rested so that we could spend the afternoon getting settled before our first day of work. The thought of such tranquility was sinking in, and Haruhi and I looked towards each other with sleepy smiles on our faces every once in awhile, knowing that the much-needed relaxation would be ours in less than a few hours.

The bed-and-breakfast inn that we'd be working at wasn't too far from the station one Karuizawa; we were easily able to walk without too much exhaustion. It was nearly impossible to become tired, anyways; the countryside and the scenery were so gorgeous that it was almost uncomfortable to not sit down and sketch on the spot. I settled for capturing a few pictures with my cell phone, as Mom had asked me to.

And at last, we arrived at the warm and welcoming place that would be our home for the next few weeks. Outside stood Misuzu-chi, calling our names out and waving his arms in the air with a huge smile on his face. Misuzu-chi was a very close friend to Haruhi's father who worked at the same transvestite bar years ago. As you may have guessed, Misuzu-chi was also dressed in drag, with a wig, makeup, dress, bonnet, and anything else one could imagine on a motherly old lady.

He wasn't nearly as young as Ranka; the wrinkles on his face were very visible. He still managed to look much like a woman, however. He spoke in a tone of voice that made the customers genuinely question his gender.

"Haruhi! Hiroshi! Oh my, how you've grown; what beautiful young women you are!" he squealed, pinching our cheeks and embracing us. "Haruhi, how has your father been? Still the sassy Ranka I met all those years ago, right? Please do tell me!" he giggled.

Haruhi laughed. "He hasn't changed a bit, Misuzu-chi."

"I figured as much! Why don't the two of you get settled in your rooms? Here, let me show you!" he exclaimed excitedly. After giving his long hair a toss and letting out a feminine sigh, he grabbed a few of our bags for us and walked gracefully in the direction of the staircase. Haruhi and I followed.

Misuzu-chi set our bags down in front of two doorways and placed his hands on his hips proudly. "Well, girls, go ahead and unpack! Come downstairs after the two of you have settled, okay?" he smiled cheekily, lifting his poofy ankle-length dress and swiftly making his way down the staircase again.

"Let's go," I smiled excitedly at Haruhi, who returned the expression.

We opened our doors and stepped into our rooms.

An overwhelming sense of tranquility that seemed too good to be true rushed over me as I'd taken in the scent of fresh, clean linen. The twin-sized bed was definitely larger than I'd imagined it would be. The comforter, sheets, and pillows were arranged so nicely that I briefly imagined spending all my time sleeping in Karuizawa. Sunshine poured through the window. The carpeting beneath my feet was soft; I may have not even needed a pair of slippers to walk around.

Like Haruhi, I was provided with a small bathroom within my room which contained a stand-up shower. We were provided with small desks and chairs as well as small closet spaces. Such coziness was beyond perfection to me, and the fact that we were provided with such an opportunity was difficult to let sink in for a few minutes.

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