Call My Name Werewolf 101

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Chapter Notes:

This is for those who still confuse or wanted to know more about werewolf thingy. It's related to my Levi and Eren werewolf AU: Call My Name that sometimes mistaken as an A/B/O AU. So, to clear up the confusion, here I present you the explanation of my Werewolf AU! ^^


There are so many ranks for werewolf, but in my fic: Call My Name, I try to reduce them so the readers don't get too confused with ranks and can focus on the story! c:

High ranks of the pack as the individuals who have been chosen to fill different roles depending on the setup and lifestyle of the pack. In my fic: Call My Name, the Inner Council are:


1) The alpha of the pack is the leader. He is the main one in control and sets the laws of his pack.

2) The alphas have the final to say so in everything, yet act only for the good of the pack.

3) They give ranks and are to be submitted to by all wolves except for their mate (female Alpha's mate called Luna, male Alpha's mate called Alpha).

4) Though it is rare, this position can be challenged and if the challenger wins the fight then the challenger, being the new alpha, can do what he/she pleases with the previous leaders. This does not normally happen because it would result in a huge change within the pack.


1) The Beta is the second in command and enforces the law when the current alpha is not present.

2) They answer to no one but their alphas, but are expected, as with all members, to show respect to every werewolf. They also assist the alphas with any conflicts within the pack and enforce the rules, keeping peace within the clearing.

3) In pack meetings, the Betas' answers and suggestions are the second most important, being trusted advisers to the Alpha, only thinking for the good of the pack as a whole.

4) There may only be a male and female Beta.


1) An Elder is a werewolf with great experience and knowledge of werewolf packs. In the past they may have held such high ranks as Alpha and/or Beta.

2) An Elder's opinion is greatly respected throughout the pack, being advisor to both Alphas and Betas. They are asked to be role models to the pack, adults and cubs included, and also to visitors, showing them the way of the pack.

3) They express maturity in their thoughts and actions during serious discussion or conflicts and help out where ever they can, supporting the pack through and through.

4) The elder lingers in the background when it comes to pack affairs; they voice their opinions and concerns when they feel it is necessary with the utmost respect to their leaders.

These ranks are unrestricted, but often take time and effort to attain. In my fic: Call My Name, the Ranked Members are:


1) The Healer is the Caretaker of the pack. They know how to heal pretty much any sickness and any wound. They have extensive knowledge of herbs and wolf anatomy. However, they almost have no knowledge of fighting techniques and are practically useless in combat.

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