"It's love dear, it's love~." The goddess sighed remembering the memory.

Athena sighed. "Look, go do something else, maybe Artemis needs help outside, and don't disturb me again, I'm busy counting the silverwares."

The goddess was irritated and left the place. She thought that the event she had planned was a success. Even her cupcake said it was something and that she should do it again. She went outside to the garden and sat on a marble bench. She thought for a while about how she can convince Athena and maybe even Artemis on her idea. She was gazing at some butterflies when a white bunny came out of its hiding place and hopped to her feet. She noticed it and took it in her arms. "Aww~ you're so cute."

The bunny responded with a wiggle of its nose.

"Awww~! So adorable! Athena might-"

An idea struck her.

Aphrodite laughed evilly. "Athena would love you. Come."


Athena was busy thinking about what needed to be done when Aphrodite called her. "Ohh~ Athena darling!"

She hated when she was called "darling", but kept her cool. "Yes?"

"I have a present for you~. I'll give it to you if you agree with my ideas." said the goddess sweetly.

"It is not called a present if I have to submit to your demands."

"Really~? Because this present wants to meet you." Aphrodite removed the fabric on her hand, revealing the bunny.

It gazed at Athena and she returned it back. It was love at first sight…well, for Athena that is.

Athena cursed silently. She hated it, her one true weakness: cute things. She wanted the bunny, to hold that white, fluffy bunny. But she can't, for she was the goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, justice and skill…not cute things. Besides, she has a reputation to keep, she was a feared goddess and a lot of women look up to her, and she wasn't going to succumb to her weakness. Only a few goddesses knew of this, her…likeness for these things…and one of them was in front of her holding that wretched animal.

Curse you Aphrodite!


"No?" said Aphrodite.

"No, I have a lot of things to do and I don't need animals in the way." said Athena while glaring straightly at the goddess.

"Animals? What animals? There's only one. Anyway, bunny here wants to play with you, isn't that right Bun-bun?" said Aphrodite.

"Just put it back where you found it, it might be one of Artermis' animals." said Athena who really wanted that bunny now, she was about to speak again when Artemis came to them.

"I'm almost done outside. I see that everything is doing fine her- Oh! There you are!" She took the bunny from Aphrodite. "I was looking for you, don't ever do that again, alright? Anyway, how did you find her Aphrodite?" asked Artemis.

"Oh! Bun-bun's a girl! She came to me. She must have adored my beauty, even the animals couldn't resist it. I mean, I am the fairest of them all." said Aphrodite.

Artemis just rolled her eyes while Athena silently cursed her, remembering the memory of the golden apple.

Just then, Zeus came in to the great hall to check the progress of the goddesses' decorating. "Well~! It looks like this place would be the center of attention tomorrow night! And it's all thanks to you girls."

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