Our World

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Our world
The only one known
To hold human life
Or life at all

Our world
The only one where
People suffer by
Their own kind

Our world
The only one that
Cares more about violence
Then anything else

Our world
The only one where
People would rather die
Than live 

Our world
The only one that's
Slowly rotting
From our trash

Our world
The only one with
A fading ozone
Because we pollute

Our world
The only one that
Has so many types
Of abuse

Our world
The only one where
Common sense
Isn't so common

Our world
The only one that
I still don't understand
How it survives

Our world
The only one that's
So messed up because
We live on it


So these are all in random order.. And really just thoughts I mashed together..

If you have any more (that kind of fits into the theme: Our world. The only one...) negative or not, just comment it ^.^ I'd be glad to add them in on here or create a whole new chapter for them

xoxo Belle

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