I had gone to the nurse so I could take some of the Advil my mom had left here for me before and got a slip, so it shouldn't be a big deal. He took it without a word and I headed to my seat. I plopped down,but I couldn't keep myself from turning slightly and glancing at Luke. He gave me a small smile, as if to say that everything was going to turn out alright.

God, I wish I could believe him.


The rest of the week went by in a flash, or maybe it went by slowly. I'm not sure. Either way, I had tried to be nicer to Luke and it was actually easier than I thought it would be. The whole group, including Clark, had agreed to Jess's idea of a bonfire get-together. So, I was now currently searching through my closet for some clothes that seemed appropriate for the occasion.

I had already showered and put my hair back in a french braid. i didn't bother with make-up because I would probably end up sweating it all off anyway. I finally decided on a navy scoop neck t-shirt that didn't show too much and a pair of ripped, light-wash short-shorts. I slipped on my cowboy boots and grabbed my acoustic before heading down stairs.

I was greeted by my mom in the kitchen who gave me a small smile,"Tell Jessica and Sean I say hi. Also, tell Luke that we should get together sometime."

Igave her a shocked look before replying,"Mom, I don't th-"

She cut me off,"Well, I do think. So, next weekend it is. I'll call his mom later to schedule it."

I sighed and gave up, knowing I was never going to win now that my had set her mind to it. I'm not entirely convinced that Jessica had planted the idea in my mom's head so that I would have to spend more time with Luke. I guess I'll have to ask her tonight.

At least Clark will be there so I won't have to be left alone with Luke, as I'm sure Jessica plans to do. I'll be lucky to make it out of there without being forced into some heart-to-heart with him.

"Okay. Well, I'm off. I'm gonna spend the night at Jess's place so don't bother waiting up for me,"I called, heading to the door.

"Will do. Call me when you get there! Have fun!"I heard her say before shutting the door.

I got into my truck and started it up before pulling out of our long driveway and heading to Jessica's/ It wasn't too far away, so it only took me about ten minutes to pull up to her house that was situated on a small, well at least compared to Sean's, three-acre yard. In the far left corner I could see that Sean and Jared were already here and were helping to set up the fire pit. I hopped out, bringing my acoustic and detouring to the front door so that I could drop it off in Jessica's room.

 Once that was done, I went out the front door, yet to encounter Jessica's parents. I finally found myself standing by the lake, watching Sean and Jared as they hauled all of the logs into a fire pile. It was already past five and the sun was sinking on the horizon, so we would surely be starting the fire as soon as everyone got here.

I laughed as Sean dropped a log on his toe and started muttering extremely creative curses under his breath. When he heard my quiet chuckling, he looked up at me with a smile, all pain forgotten.

"Isabelle! I'm so glad you're here! Jess has been bossing us around all afternoon! Make her stop,"my football player of a best friend whined. He was toned and six foot tall yet he was still afraid to say no to a girl have his size.

"Okay. The fire looks great so all there is to do now is set up the stage area. I'll do that, but can you bring out the plastic table so that we can set up food and drink on it?"he nodded,"Thanks. Now go tell Jared to help you."

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