Chapter 13 Morning after

Start from the beginning

Following after him the room has the similar furniture to the room that I was in. Just have different placement and messier. By mess, meaning different kinds of gifts and other junks over the floors. At least they look dress. Thank god, I don't want to see that in the morning though that would be quite hilarious and awkward. On the other hand, V- SHUT UP FEELINGS! Mentally, I shake my head to remove those thoughts. Put it in the back burner. Right now, stick to the plan. We stood by the end corners waiting for them to awake up. Who's going to freak first? Bet it's going to Mini. Nah, maybe Wildcat. We shall see.

And we wait.



Lui pout. "This is taking too long." He whisper and quietly chanted in a strange language and wave his staff then bucket appear. He waves his staff again and bucket threw it content toward the sleeping couple.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Wildcat curses struggling to remove the wet blanket off as Mini fall off the bed from shock. Lui and I falling onto the floor laughing  we holding our aching side. Wildcat continue spitting curses after curses from the bed and Mini groan in pain from the floor.

"Again with the water!" Mini yelled from the ground "I resent that!" He points his finger to the ceiling from his side of the bed.

"STOP SPLASHING WATER LUI!" Wildcat pull the wet blanket off and protect himself from the water. The bucket disappears when Wildcat able to get off the bed. He holds in his head in mild pain glaring at us. Mini shuffles from the ground and stood up holding his head from the fall of the bed. Both were suffering from pain by our rude awakening and look of it the hangover as well. Suffer!

"Sleep well?" Lui innocently question the two and they glare at us.

"Don't go 'sleep well' you f*cker!" Wildcat growl and spew out even more curses. Swearing like a sailor. No, he could make a sailor blush and bury themselves out of pure embarrassment.

"Aw, but your honeymoon seems to go so well." Wildcat and Mini freeze looking shock. They took a moment looking at each other mouthing 'honeymoon?' then us in surprise.

"WHAT?!" Wildcat and Mini yelled.

"He means you guys tie the knot!" I chuckle at their miffed looks about their marriage. Well, joke on them. "Look at your fingers." Wildcat and Mini look at their ring fingers noticing their ring. Mini went pale and Wildcat enrage.

"Shut up Delirious! I'm not in the mood to talk to you!" Wildcat scowl "How did we get marry?" Looking at Lui, Wildcat stood over him. Thinking if anything had happen Lui would be always or somehow be involve in one way or another. Mini move closer looking at his ring and us.

"I don't remember we got marry? When?" Mini asks hesitantly he gesture his hands and Wildcat.

"After the contest. You guys went wild." Lui wiggle his brows "It was fun~." He chuckle in amusement then shake his head "You made us your best men and Wildcat, your vow." He hollers "10 outta 10." Instantly, Wildcat pick up Luie by the scuff of his cloak dangle him a few feet up.

"Better stop playing around fucking brat." Wildcat sneers viciously. "How we fix this?"

"Weelll, since you were married less than...twenty-four hours ago...hmm." Luie innocently ponder his chin ignoring the fact he was being threaten and held up in the air. "I say about three months before you could divorce on both parties."

Wildcat's eyes widen "THREE MONTHS!" He yelled in shock and drops Lui, he let out a couple cursing as he pace back and forward. Mini wasn't faring any better silently he seat on the bed looking at his hands.

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