2: Which color he likes best on you

194 9 3

It's gonna your day when you were born with your fav bc yeah

1: blue
2: Green
3: Maroon
4: White
5: Black woo
6: red
7: A color you see rn
8: violet
9: the color of the sky rn
10: gray
12: baby blue
13: fuchsia 
14: navy blue
15: any bright color
16: orange
17: pink
18: sliver
19: rose red
20: metallics
21: teal
22: the color of your hair
24: your fav color bc I ran out of ideas sorry
25: Purple 
26: pastels
27: hot pink
28: ombré
29: yellow
30: the color of your favs eyes
31: gold

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