Chapter 8

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"Can I open my eyes now?" Violetta asked Leon. The guy had driven her somewhere on his motorbike and when they'd reached the destination, he had asked her to close her eyes. They had been walking for a couple of minutes with Leon leading Violetta on the way. While Violetta liked the feeling of her hand in Leon's, Leon liked that their hands together just felt right. And they both agreed that holding hands in real life was much better than in a dream. Not that the dream was not bad. It was totally the opposite.

"Yes, you can."

Violetta blinked her eyes a couple of times before opening them...and stopped breathing. In front of her was the place of the dream. Absentmindedly, she took a few steps forward, taking in the sight before her. Everything was as she remembered from the dream. Was this place real?

She turned her head to look at Leon and he answered her unspoken question with a soft smile. As he walked up to stand next to her, he said, "No matter how it looks, this place is real."

Violetta shook her head, confused. "How is this possible, Leon? I've never been here before."

"I have," he told her. "I wanted to bring you here yesterday." To tell you my feelings.

"Why didn't you?"

Leon shrugged. "It didn't feel right." And it was the truth.

"Now it does?"

He didn't answer right away. "I don't know."

They said nothing more. Just watched the amazing view in front of them.

Violetta broke the silence. "You know something? I'm standing here with you by my side and I can't help but feel glad you didn't bring me here yesterday."

He turned his head to look at her, brows drawn. "Why?"

She turned hers to look at him. "It made the dream more special."

Leon smiled. He agreed with that.

"What do you remember?" he asked her.

"Every moment of it. The water. You and me. My hand in yours. The way I felt. The song," she added.

"Podemos," he said. "The title of the song."

Leon held out his hand and Violetta looked at it, before smiling and sliding her hand into his. Leon took her to a bench that overlooked the water. They settled down, gazing at the water in front of them. The sunlight filtered down through the trees, branches moving in the breeze making the shadows dance around the two.

A few moments later, Violetta shifted her eyes from the water to Leon the most handsome guy on earth. She loved him.

And he loved her too.

She didn't know it earlier but now she did. He hadn't said so and he didn't need to. Violetta could feel it. Just like the connection between them.

Leon turned his head to look at Violetta and he could not tell if he was surprised to see that she was not looking at the water but at him. She had tilted her head a little to the side, her eyes watching him as though he was the only thing that mattered. Leon still held her hand. And once again, he could tell it just felt right. He could stay like this for all eternity with that girl.

"I love you."

He had brought her here to tell her this in the first place. It was no revelation but he figured he'd go and tell her anyway.

He could not really read the expression on Violetta's face. Was it amusement? Leon could not think any further because Violetta had slid closer to him. She brought a hand to his cheek and pressed her lips to his. It was a chaste kiss, no tongues involved, only lips touching.

She pulled back a few seconds later and opened her eyes. Leon still had his eyes closed when he let his forehead fall atop hers. Violetta smiled. She understood.

"I'm sorry... I know I did not mention the kiss-the almost kiss, actually-when you asked me about the dream."

"Why didn't you?"

"I wasn't sure how it was going to sound like."

"What changed your mind?"

"Besides the fact that you dreamt it too?"

She felt Leon nod once. A moment passed before she answered. "I wanted to."

"Tell you something? I was a little disappointed I woke up before we could kiss."

Violetta pulled back and laughed. "Why did you think I just kissed you?"

She was still laughing when Leon kissed her. He pulled back and looked at her. Then, she put her head on Leon's shoulder, his own atop hers as they gazed at the view and Violetta realised she hadn't said it back.



"I love you too."

Can't Let You Go - A Leonetta FanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu