Chapter 7

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As Violetta walked towards the studio, she thought at the dream she had... a dream about Leon. Was there not a moment in her life she was not thinking about him? Not that she always thought about him. On second thought, she did think about him. Leon was mostly always on her mind. Mostly.

She walked in the studio just as Ludmila and Nata walked out of it. Violetta knew Ludmila loved Federico. She could see it from the way the blond girl looked at the guy. How many times had she caught Ludmila looking at Federico with a soft expression on her face everytime the girl thought Federico was not looking? Violetta didn't understand why Ludmila just didn't admit her feelings for the guy. If Violetta had someone like that, she would treasure that person, hold him tight so that he could never go away. Violetta didn't even know if the one she loved felt the same way she did.


She wanted to see him. She really did.

Violetta shook her head at her thoughts and slid her eyes shut, her mind taking her back to the dream. The song they had sung had been playing in her head and she wished the dream was real. She had sung with Leon before but this would be different. Because it was two of the things she loved the most. Singing and Leon.

A familiar tune played and she stopped dead in her tracks. She listened. Was she really hearing it? Either way, she had to check it out. She followed the music and when she met with a slightly open door from which the music came through, she wasted no time in pushing the thing open. The music stopped.

Violetta didn't know if she was surprised to see Leon. Standing behind a portable keyboard, he averted her eyes as he put his hands into his jeans pocket. Finally he looked back at her.

"How...?" Violetta began. "I don't understand," she said, shaking her head a little.

"I dreamt it." He sounded confused as he said it.

It took a moment for Violetta to get it. Leon had dreamt the song? The same song she had? A smile spread across her face.

Leon smiled too. "Come on," he said, motioning with his head.

Violetta walked to stand up in front of the musical instrument, facing Leon while he started playing the music, one they both were getting to know by heart.

Pero hay cosas que si se

Ven aqui te mostrare

En tus ojos puedo ver

Lo puedes lograr prueba imaginar

Podemos pintar colores al alma

Podemos gritar "yeeh"

Podemos volar sin tener alas

Ser la letra en mi cancion

Y tallarme en tu voz

While they had sung, their eyes never left each other. Even after the music had ended, they were still looking at each other, smiling like crazy.

As Violetta stared into Leon's eyes, she fell in love with him all over again and she could feel all the love she had for him, deep down in her heart. At that moment, Violetta could feel there was something between her and Leon. Some sort of...connection. She smiled. Connection. She liked the sound of that. She and Leon were connected. There was no bigger proof than the dream they both had.

Suddenly, a strange emotion crossed Leon's face. A second later, he raised up his hand and brushed his knuckles against her cheek. Violetta's breath caught. What she wanted to do right now was to close her eyes and lose herself in Leon's touch. But Leon dropped down his hand, putting it in his jeans pocket, as if realising what he had just done. Then he said, "I have something I want you to see. Will you come with me?"

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