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"How was your day, papa?" Little Matthieu waddled into Francis's restaurant from the upstairs apartment they shared. He was small for a five year old and his face was still chubby and soft. He looked so much like his father but he had his mother's violet eyes.
"Matthieu, you'll never guess who I ran into at zhe bookstore." Francis swooped the child into his arms, smiling as he giggled excitedly.
"Shania Twain?!" Matthieu guessed. He was currently in a Shania phase and had a major crush on the woman. Francis thought it was sweet.
"Non, mon fils. It was Arzhur Kirkland. The man who wrote zhose books I like so much."
Matthieu smiled. He couldn't quite comprehend what this meant. But he still pretended he was excited.
"Papa, can we watch TV?"
"Non. It's bed time, Matthieu."
"But papa!"
"I'll read to you." Francis offered is a singsong voice he really only used on his son.
"Really?! Hell yeah!"
"Matthieu..." Francis scolded.
"Désolé." Matthieu apologized. "I can still have a story though, right?"
"Of course!" Francis carried his child upstairs and into his room. He tucked him in and opened up one of the younger blonde's favourite Sheree Fitch stories.
Matthieu was asleep by the time the book was finished. He kissed his child on the forehead before heading downstairs to wait for Arthur.
A man who would never come.

Ten years later

"Hello? Is this Matthew's father?"
Uh oh.
"Oui. Is zhere a problem?" Francis tucked the phone between his shoulder so he could cook while he spoke.
"This is his principal. Matthew got in a fight."
"He what? Zhat's très terrible!" Francis put down his knife so he could focus his attention on the phone.
"Please come down to the school."
Francis nodded before hanging up the phone and turning to Antonio working beside him.
"Can you take over, si vous plais?"
"Sure, what happened?" Antonio looked up from his own work in shock.
"Matthieu got in trouble. I've got to go."
Toni nodded as Francis scurried out of the restaurant and climbed into his car.
He didn't have far to drive to the school and was in the office in no time.
There he saw his Matthieu sitting in one of the chairs in the room, another blonde seated across from him. The other boy had glasses just like his son but his hair was shorter and had a cowlick sticking out of the side.
"Papa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen." Matthieu looked like he was on the brink of tears.
"Calm down and tell me what 'appened, mon fils."
"Alfred...he...he c-called-"
"Relax, Matthieu." Francis reminded him.
"I was only standing up for that Ivan kid. He didn't do anything wrong." Matthieu said after a deep breath.
"Merci, Matthieu."
"De rien, papa."
"Alfred, is your father coming soon?" The principal asked the other boy.
Alfred scoffed and rolled his eyes.
As if on cue, a man entered the office looking angry.
"C'est Tu?!"
"You?" Arthur gaped.
The two men stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity but was actually just a few seconds. It had been ten years and they were right under each other's noses all along.
"Do you two need a moment or..." The principal asked.
"Yes. I would like a moment with this man." Arthur declared.
"We'll be right back." Francis agreed. The two walked out of the office and into the empty hallway.
"Alright, Arzhur. What do you need?" The Frenchman asked the Brit.
"You have a kid, then?"
"Oui. What about it?"
Arthur looked at the office door awkwardly. "Learn to control him."
"Learn to control 'im?! Matthieu was only trying to stand up for a friend."
"So it was Alfred who..."
"Oui!" Francis rolled his eyes.
"Listen, I'm really sorry about all this. How about I make it up to you with dinner."
"Ha. Zhe last time you promised somezhing like zhat, you never showed up."
"I never promised to meet you all rose years ago." Arthur sighed. "But I M promising now."
Francis thought for a second. Did he really want to be disappointed again?
"You remember zhe place?"
"Right across from Coles?"
"See you tonight.

Does anybody ship OnBec? It's like FrUK but the nationalities are kinda backwards. It's a bit like 2p!fruk I guess except They're not psychotic.
Ontario X Quebec anybody?

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