Willow: Great Escape

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After Phase Four was complete, they let me go to my room so I could recover for the next phase. Phase Five was all about tests. Tests designed to make sure that the re-assimilation was successful. It wasn't, of course. But they weren't supposed to know that.

I had played my part perfectly during the first four phases, but  Phase five was comprised of tests that relied solely on mind reading devices. I'd fail every single one of those tests, I was a hundred percent sure of that. Failures are as good as dead. If I died, I wouldn't be able to relay all the information I had gathered here. It would all be for nothing. It was time to abort my mission. I had everything I needed anyway. I packed up my things hastily, stuffing random items of clothing into my suitcase without  even bothering to see what they were. There was no time. The sooner I get out of here, the better our chances are of taking th Re-Assimilation Corporation down are.

I poked at the communication device RACDA had planted on the underside of my left wrist, causing the power to shut off, and then on again. I whispered a command. There was static for a moment, before I connected with my partner, Delta.

"Are you ready, Willow?" he asked, already knowing what I was calling for.

"Yes..." I answered slowly, " But, just one question: how exactly am I supposed to get out of here?"

He laughed, as if my life--and the lives of all the past, present, and future teenagers of America--wasn't on the line. Even in the most serious of situations he failed to be serious. I sighed.

"Trust me, Willow. We have your back. I know you're knew to RACDA, but we're not amateurs. We have connections, insiders," he informed me.

"Well then why the heck did I need to 'infiltrate RAC' if you already have insiders?" I questioned, confused.

He paused before explaining, "Our connections are only willing to help to an extent, Willow. Although they may not agree with what RAC does, they still need to make a living. No RAC means no jobs. Helping us is their way of keeping their comfortable, high paying jobs without having to worry about a guilty conscience. Besides, it's not like they actually believe that we can take down RAC. We're just a bunch of kids to them. Now, enough with the questions. Get out of there, as soon as you can, do you hear me?"

"Yes, Delta, I got it," I said. As I powered it off, there was a soft knock at the door. Startled, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I'd thought that they'd leave me alone at least until tomorrow morning. I heard someone slowly twisting the knob, so I kicked my suitcase back under my bed and hurriedly sat down on it. I tried to look casual and mindless, staring straight ahead.

"Hello? Willow Fern, is that right?" a small voice questioned from the doorway.

Slowly, I turned my head to look at her, careful to keep my face blank. It was a nurse.

"Yes," I answered in a monotone.

"Um, your presence is requested in the dining hall. You'll be going home tomorrow after testing, you see. So, seeing as this is your last night here, Dr. Wild thought it would be nice if you joined the rest of the patients in the dining hall," she babbled.

"Okay," I said.

"Well, alright then. I'll go on, and leave you to get dressed. You've got fifteen minutes before dinner is over, so I'd hurry if I were you," she warned, shutting the door behind her.

I smiled to myself. This could be my chance. Maybe some of those inside people would be present in the dining hall today. I scolded myself for not  making Delta specify these "connections" to me, so I'd know who to look for. Oh well, there was nothing I could do about it now.

Slipping out of the long hospital gown they had given me to wear, I found a comfortable pair of black stretch pants and a loose white top, along with a pair of running shoes to put on. I dug through my suitcase until I found my baseball cap. I twisted my hair into a ponytail, tucking it under my cap and lowering the brim. 

This is it. This was my last chance to escape.

I exited my room, closing the door softly behind me. My feet moved swiflty down the hallway and into the dining hall. My hands were shaking. Dr. Wild was nowhere to be seen and  the number of guards they had stationed had largely decreased.  I could feel in my gut that this was the moment, the time to fight, the time to escape. This was what all my hard work, all my training was for. I took a final look around the room full of strangers, wondering which of them would help me escape, and which would try to kill me. I took a deep breath. I was ready.

Perfect: A Dystopian Society (lisamcmann)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя