Chapter 12

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I looked up slightly confused by his request but nodded and turned to face him. 

"Hold still for me. " he smiled and positioned himself. "Perfect." I said facing towards him. Silence fell over us like a wet towel an I awkwardly sketched him. 

"You don't want to say good bye? Time is almost up before it's summer." I nodded.

"Waste of time. I'll see most of them over summer. " he frowned and scooted closer. My face turned six shades of red as I pulled my knees up to my face to hide. He smirked and rest his hand on my knee. 

"You know, I can't draw you if you move around like that. Don't be so difficult." 

"Don't be so boring." he said pulling my sketchpad away from me. Before I could protest, he smashed his face against mine. He was practically in my lap as he kissed me, holding my face as if I wasn't squished between his body and a wall. As if I could run away. I didn't want to run away, I wanted to stay there forever. Stealing his warmth. My mind flashed to the nights we spent alone that year at camp, and the stupid fights we had, and the sad looks he would flash at me during class when he thought I wasn't looking. I slowly moved my hands up and rested them on his shoulders. 

After what felt like an eternity, he broke away.

"Have a nice summer." he grinned.

Just the average life of a girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें