Chapter four

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Day three of camp rolled around and I was excited. It was the annual teacher hide and go seek evening. The way it worked was that all the teachers would go and hide during chapel and we'd have to go find them with a partner after. I decided to be a rebel and go alone and I managed to find three teachers for my team before an hour even passed. Torri seemed to notice and called me over.
"I have your next order Clover." he said.
"Well spit it out dude, I have to go."
"Team up with me and help me find the teachers for my team." he ordered.
I gave him a look of disapproval, but since the hide and seek was an optional thing it wasn't considered a challenge so I had to. We left and I found two more teachers.
"That's five, and how many are left?" asked Torri.
" Two." I answered. We spent another hour searching but with no luck.
"Ugh. I give up!" I yelled. He looked at me in awe. Suddenly the bushes behind us made a sound.
"W-what was that?" I stammered. Torri grabbed my hand and we hid behind the nearby pillar. We waited there for ten minutes when Torri left me to scope out the area. After another ten minutes, he didn't come back so I decided to look for him.
"T-Torri?" I said shivering in the darkness. "Where are you?" While I was looking for him, I suddenly felt a a wrap around my waist and a hand cup over my mouth.
"Mmnghfrr?!" I mumbled. I bit the hand cupped over my mouth and broke free of the grip. I swung my body around and went into a combat stance.
"Whoa there dynamite, it's just me." Torri said backing up a bit. I began to tear up.
"Where were you?! I was looking all over for you! I was so worried!" I sniffled.

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