His eyes flashed and Thea knew she was failing to convince him. "And why weren't they human? Are you trying to tell me they were Greek Gods or something? Did you hit your head last night?"

"No, I didn't! I swear I'm telling the truth. -"

"What about the lion, Thea? I may have hit my head but I still remember seeing it. Any normal girl would have been screaming. You weren't even going to run, as if you were bloody expecting it to show up."

"I wasn't expecting it to show up exactly, but I knew something might attack me."

"Like these, 'Gods'" he said using air quotations."

"Titans," Thea corrected before she could think.

"Titans," he muttered.

"Josh, please you have to believe me. I know it sounds insane, I didn't believe Hermes at first either -"

"Who is Hermes?"

"I am." Thea stiffened as Hermes appeared, wrapping his arm around her waist, his head resting on against her own. Her eyes widened as he placed a kiss on her neck. "You must be Josh."

Josh's face was thunderous. "I thought you said he was just a friend, Thea?"

"He is - please Josh!" she cried as he turned and threw open her door. Thea struggled to break free of Hermes grip but he refused to let go. "Let me go, Hermes! Josh please, I can explain!"

Josh stared at them, his eyes on Hermes arms around her waist. "It's looking pretty clear to me right now. Why even agree to go out with me, Thea when you're with him? Just what are you trying to prove?

"I'm not with him!" she shouted. "He's one of the Gods I mentioned and he can prove it. Hermes, show him."

"Show him what?"

"Show him that you're a God so he'll believe me!"

"Thea -"

She elbowed him. "Do it!"

Sighing, he moved them from her apartment to the walkway outside her front door behind Josh. He spun around, eyes wide. "What the fuck?  How did you -"

"It's like I was trying to tell you. And I can do this -" She quickly sent a burst of wind his way, causing his hair to blow.

He took a step back. "Jesus Christ."

"I know it's hard to believe, Josh..."

In a rush, she explained it all from the beginning. From seeing the Titan's in the bar and everything up to last night's encounter with Atlas. She left out all the moments between her and Hermes though. Hermes still had an arm around her waist and no matter how hard she tried to fight him off, he refused to let go. Every time she pushed, he pulled her closer so she stopped.

Josh ran a hand through his hair, eyes still disbelieving. "It can't be real, I must still be concussed," he muttered, "Look, Thea if you're seeing this Hermes, then fine, just come out and tell me straight. Don't make up lies -"

"She's not lying, man. Did you see not see what we just did?"

"Probably an optical illusion or something or the morphine's making me see things." He was looking anywhere but at Hermes and Thea.

Thea could feel herself beginning to get hysterical. "Josh, it's real! How could we move like we did? It's all real, I'm telling you!"

He shook his head and her heart sank. "Sorry, Thea I don't know what shit you're in the middle of right now, but I'm not sure I'm ready to believe it. I think you're having some sort of breakdown after Shae's death. I know some people you can contact who might be able to help; I'll get one of the officers at the station to send them to you." He glanced scornfully at Hermes’ arm on her waist.  When you're feeling better, call me."

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