I Won't Go Today!(Edited, I Hope)

Start from the beginning

But all those worries evaporated like a puddle in the desert when Kumajirou's human(the human thinks he owns the bear, when in actuality the bear owns the human) took out a box of pancake mix(Canada felt lazy that morning), blueberries, maple syrup, a pan, and the rest of the things necessary to making pancakes and started whipping up pancakes as fast as he could. Both Canada and Kumajirou love pancakes, although Kuma loves fish just as well. Once Canada made enough pancakes to feed a small army he started preparing Kuma's fish. Kuma jumped in anticipation. Canada smiled at the bear as he placed the fish in a bowl and set it on the floor, then proceeding to grab his own plate and stacking pancake after pancake onto it until there was a small tower of golden goodness on his plate.

"Well, let's eat."

Canada said cheerfully as he grabbed the bottle of maple syrup and poured nearly the whole bottle onto his stack of pancakes. Kumajirou eagerly dug into his fish as Canada mimicked the bear and practically inhaled his syrup-drenched pancakes with a fork.

Suddenly, Canada's ringtone sounded. ~Yeah, I know that you wanna be Canadian, please! Even if in winter things tend to freeze. We got the world Monopoly on trees.~

"Hmm?" Canada asked as he picked up his phone.

"I wonder who it is, probably my Boss."

He checked the caller ID and saw his phone read 'No Caller ID' he pressed answer.

"H-hello? Who is this?" He asked timidly.

"Is this Matthew Williams?" questioned a gruff voice, it sounded like whoever was on the other line was used to giving orders and having them followed through.

"Y-yes," Canada answered. "And who is this?"

The gruff voice answered,
"I am General Ludington Neseveran of the Royal Canadian Air Force."

Canada straightened his back immediately.

"Sir! What is the General of the Royal Canadian Air Force calling me for?" he exclaimed, resisting the urge to salute.

He could hear the voice chuckle,

"Well, how do I say this? I don't need the civilian Matthew Williams, I need the personification of Canada."

The voice stated in a no-nonsense tone of voice. Canada's eyes widened, why would the Air Force need him?

"Sir," Canada started. "With all due respect, why would you need me?"

There was a pause, then,

"Son, we want you to help in a training excersise."

Canada was shocked, sure, he had aided his troops in the air during both world wars, but no one ever said anything. Not a single 'thank you' or a 'good job'.

"I checked your background in our files, and do you know what showed up?"

General Ludington asked. Canada shook his said.

"No, sir, I don't." He said, although he had a hunch that he did.

"It showed that you had the most successful air raids and missions. You still fly, correct?"

Canada paused, he did still fly, but usually just for World meetings or for whenever he went to visit his brother. Otherwise, he didn't leave his country.

"Yes sir, I still fly." Canada confirmed.

"Good. We need someone who can fly well, we have new recruits, and who better to train them than the very country they're training to defend?" Ludington inquired.

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