I looked at the time on the car and sighed. "Sol, swwitch sides wwith me. I'll drivve, you get some more rest. Wwe can't havve you fallin' asleep on the wwheel.."

"Okay.." He rubbed his eyes and yawned.
We both got out and switched. When we passed by each other, he pushed me down to the hood of the car and kissed me.

"Mmmmhh!!!" My surprised scream was muffled by his lips. I bit his lip slightly and pushed him away. "W-WWhat the actual fuck Sol!?"


"Seriously??? You HAD to just push me dowwn to do that? A simple kiss wwould havve been just fine!"

He laughed and got in the car. I groaned and did the same.

"ED, you know I'm a weird son of a bitch." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes and started the car.
"Ugh, just lay back and sleep Sol.. You're probably just really fuckin' sexual from not havvin' enough sleep."

"Baby, I'm always sexual. Plus, I had a boner at like four am when you couldn't stop saying my name in your sleep.."

My eyes widened. "I-I didn't say your name... D-Did I?"

I looked to him for an answer, but he was already out and snoring.

The drive wasn't that long..
We had to eventually stop for gas.
I'm surprised his dad's car already lasted us this long. I for sure would have thought we would have run out of gas in the middle of the night. .

Sollux was still asleep, so I got out to put in the gas. I walked inside the liquor store, not seeing much of anyone.

There was a man at the cash register, his eyes glued to a small television in the corner.

I walked up to him.
"Um... Excus-"

Wow.. Rude.

"Sir, if you could just–"
"Ever heard of the Ampora Company, Kid?" He looked to me. His voice was raspy, like he's been smoking cigarettes for a long time. He looked completely done with everything.

I slowly nodded.

Okay, he may not recognize me... Usually a lot of people do because of my father..

"Look at this.." He pointed to the television.
On the screen, was a wide shot of my house, with police tape surrounding it.

A voice was heard as the screen focused on my house,
"Just this morning at nine, son of big company CEO Orpheus Dualscar Ampora, Cronus Ampora, contacted the police after finding his father in bed, dead. Officials say that there were marks in blood on his face, resembling some sort of symbols.
Cronus Ampora was on his way to his partners house, when neither of his family members responded to him. He looked first in his brothers room, who is missing, then his fathers.
It is currently under investigation on the Ampora's disappearance and murder. Reporting to you live, from the-" The man shut off the tv.

"W-WWoww... That's huge.."

"Yeah.. Sorry, what was it you needed again, kid? I just get so caught up in shit like this."

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