Angel With a Shotgun

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           "AHHHH!" Megan screamed.

          "Megan no!" Lynn yelled.

     "AHHH!" The decaying zombie corpse opened his broken jaw and screeched and hissed, about to prey on his meal.

   POW! The bullet came slowly darting from the side and sunk deep into the zombie's skull, passing through a layer of dead, decaying skin. The corpse began shaking wildly until the zombie's head exploded, causing a mixture of zombie blood, guts, and a strange green liquid to gush into the air and came splattering all over Megan.

     "EWWWW!" She spat some of the gunky goo out of her mouth.

  Zack put his gun back in his belt and approached Megan, "Are you ok?" His dark brown eyes glistened under the sketchy hotel lights.

      Megan blushed and tried to rub some of the goo off for the hunky janitor, "Yes I'm fine, thanks to you." She thanked him.

    "Megan!" Rocky came from behind everyone and hugged her, "I'm so sorry! I should've helped you, but I was still in the- What is this strange liquid all over you?" He pulled away from her.

       She smiled slyly and hugged his again, rubbing the gunk all over him, "Zombie guts!"

      "Ewww!" Rocky was repulsed, but continued to hug her anyways.

    "You saved Megan's life!" We all went over to Zack.

      "How did you know what to do?" Riker asked him.

       "Practice." He tightened his belt.

       "So you know about zombies? You're not one of those nerds who just studies up on this and plays xbox all the time and has been preparing for this your whole life are you? Because you are way too dreamy to be one of those kinds of guys!" Rydel babbled.

       Riker elbowed her sharply, "I mean its ok if you have!" She corrected.

    "If you guys want to live, I can help you." Zack began sharply, "But you have to do what I say, when I say it are we clear?" He scanned the room at the remaining survivors.

   "So how do you know so much about zombies?" Riker inquired again.

     Zack stared off into the distance as if lost in thought. We all waited for what seemed like an hour for him to finally speak.

      "I used to work as an assistant for a pathologist studying epidemiology back when I was in college."

     "You're that old? You don't look a day over 20!" Rydel commented. All the girls swooned along with her as the guys just rolled their eyes.

       "We were good friends," Zack continued as his eyes turned a golden brown color, "He didn't always used to be crazy." He laughed once to himself.

   We all eyed each other, wondering what in the world he was rambling on about.

      "We met in school. He was a professor at the college I was attending. He was brilliant. His name was Ben Clements." Zack stared at the ground, "Everyone said he was brilliant beyond his years. They said one day he would cure cancer! And that's exactly what he wanted to do."

     "What does this have to do with-?" Riker began.

 "Wait!" Ryland stopped him, "Just listen."

     "He hired me as part of work study, or internship and soon I became his full time assistant. We worked very closely, but we weren't just coworkers, we were friends."

Say You'll Slay (A Zombie Apocalypse and Ross Lynch/ R5 Fan Fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora