Chapter Eighteen- The Most Beautiful Sound

Start from the beginning

"I swear," was all I could say in response.

Pattie's eyes were watering and Scooter appeared to be in deep, taxing, thought.

"Justin and I spent two unplanned weeks in San Diego. We had sex that first night, and he was the only person I had been with for about three months." I explained myself, even though it broke my heart I was being questioned at this point and because they didn't seemed concerned about my feelings.

"It only takes one time. One unprotected time." I shook away the tears starting to cloud my vision. "And the fact that he waited to the day I'm having our daughter to question me, makes me regret even falling for him." I was angry, but my eyes still flowed.

There was a silence among us, but Scooter broke it. "Then what's so wrong with a test?" He was siding with Justin.

"I shouldn't have to prove something so serious to a person who claims that they trust and love me. Someone who proposed to me! I have nothing to hide, and I especially don't want anything from him. Don't you get that?" I made eye contact with Pattie.

She still didn't speak and that only made me feel worse. "Could you at least say something?" I plead with her.

"I believe you." Pattie's voice was clipped and somewhat apologetic.

"But the test is mandatory." Scooter added. "If not.." Scooter looked away from me.

"What?" I challenged, on account of my raging hormones.

"We'll have to go to court." He finalized. "And that is not something that anyone wants. I don't want that." Scooter expressed with all seriousness.

"Fine," I muttered. "But after, I don't want anything to do with any of you. Whatever visitation you might want, or not, who cares-- that's going to have to get settled through court." Those words stung, but I meant them.


"Owe!" I cut Scooter off. "Fuck this hurts! Please get a fucking doctor!" I begged in pain.

This time the contraction did not stop, and the doctor announced that it was officially time. I was prepped, and asked if I wanted Pattie or Scooter in the room. I said no. They were on Justin's side an clearly did not trust me, so what was the point?

"Okay, I need you to take deep breath and start your first push, okay?" The doctor announced.

My heart began sinking and for whatever reason I bursted into tears again for the hundredth time today. "Okay." I responded, trying to remain calm.

A fellow nurse had come to my side and held my hand. "It'll be alright. First time mom?" She asked.

I nodded my head, closing my eyes.

"It will be over soon." She was rubbing my hand, but it wasn't comforting.

"Alright, on the count of three." The doctor proclaimed. "One.. Two.. Three"

"No," I squeaked. "I can't do this."

"You have to, sweetheart." The nurse beside me said softly.

"Not by myself." I continued to shake my head. "Please. Get me Justin." I cried.

"But you need to do your first push. After, if there's enough time, we can get Justin." The doctor was trying to reason with me.

I pressed my lips together shaking my head. "I can't push without him." I tried to close my legs, but that felt virtually impossible. "Please. I need Justin!"

"Someone find this Justin and make it quick!" The doctor answered with a sigh.

Two nurses ran out of the room instantly and I sighed in relief. I was scared, and I didn't care what we were going through, I couldn't do this without him.

A few minutes, later the door came flying open with Justin in a thrown on doctors scrub outfit. He looked terrible and distressed, but he grabbed my hand anyways. Justin gave me a firm stare from his brown eyes that were  swirling with all kinds of emotions. He didn't say anything and neither did I-- but we didn't need to speak to express how afraid we were. He cupped his hand in mine.

"Okay, on the count of three." The doctor said, but I didn't wait.

"Oohhh!" I moaned, putting all my strength in this first push. Justin grunted in pain, probably because of how hard I was squeezing his hand, but I didn't care.

"Owww!" I breathed out, drained completely. "I want to be done. I want to be done." I panted loudly in complete pain.

Justin kissed the top of my forehead gently. "You're doing perfect." His voice was shaking badly. "I.... I love you, Andrea." He was practically on his knees beside the bed.

"Okay, let's get another good push." The doctor said.

I sucked in a huge breath and braced myself. "Okay, okay. Are we finished?" I nearly screamed after trying to push again.

"And, we're going to to that once more"

I sighed in defeat. "You did this to me!" I whined at Justin, who seemed scared shitless.

"I know." Justin bowed his head from my eye contact. "Come on baby. You have to push."

The sweat was pouring from everywhere and I swear I was about to pass out, but I held on to Justin. I clenched as hard as could, putting full force into these pushes. "God, get this baby out of me." I complained from the discomfort.

The doctor chuckled and looked up at me. "You're doing very good. You're just starting to crown." The doctor smiled at us. "Won't you come and take a look?" He beckoned Justin, who's hand started to shake.

Justin took a big gulp walking over to see our child crowning. His mouth instantly fell open, and his eyes watering. "That's her head?" He was almost inaudible.

"Yeah, all we need are about two more good pushes, and you can meet your baby girl."

The two big pushes came quicker than I expected, and just when I thought I was about to pass out, I heard the most heavenly sound God could ever put on this earth. Happy tears streamed from my eyes as I let the beautiful sound of my infant fill my ears.

"She- she's mine?" Justin croaked, crying too. They handed her to her father and he stood there. He stood there afraid, happy and altogether shocked. "My baby." He kissed her lips. "I love you, daddy loves you." He cooed with a small tear staining his cheek.

The nurse had took my baby for a brief moment to clean and swaddled her. I remained panting on the delivery bed, giving it my all to stay conscious. After what felt like an eternity, the nurse place my gentle baby in my arms. She was so light and fragile; I was almost afraid that I would hurt her, but I just stared down to the face of an angel. She was perfect.

"Weight: Seven pounds, eleven ounces. Length: Seventeen inches. Time of birth: two-thirty am." The nurse smiled.



Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers! And holiday to the rest of the world.

Here's your surprise update! Please share you're thoughts!

OMG Baby Bieber!!

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