"Well, yeah you wouldn't. They should have taught you how to better your control then just send you away. And contract information is very important." Grace sighed, then looked around. Thankfully, their car was empty except the two of them. "Okay, I'll teach you everything you need to know."

"Wait..." Rose asked, uncertain, "does this mean you'll teach me magic?"

"I did say that, didn't I?" Grace raised an eyebrow, and Rose beamed. "Okay, okay. Enough with the smiling. I'm allergic to that much happiness." The brunette sighed again, "so let's start with the very basics. Get your wand in your hand."

Rose lifted a simple chain necklace from around her neck, and attached to it was a small little stick. With a single touch, it glowed a light pink color and enlarged until it was the size of a normal wand.

"Now I want you to close your eyes." Rose did so, and Grace continued. "Think of a place that is beautiful. Grass as green as emeralds, roses and red as rubies, the sun rising in the distance, casting a golden glow on everything. You are alone. The wind is blowing through your hair, and inside of your is your magic."

A pink glow formed around Rose, and Grace quickly added, "do not activate your magic. Just focus on the feeling of it. Do you feel it's warmth?" Rose nodded.

"Good, now you are going to focus on your magic, without activating it, and I will tell you about what you need to know about contracts. The second you stop, is the second I will. Do you understand?" Rose once again nodded, this time her face looking contributed at the task at hand.

"There are actually five species that you can contract with. But you have six options before you. You can either choose not to do a contract at all, which is where you and I am, or you can sign a contract. Signing a contract isn't in actual paper, it's in magic. What it means is that you combine magic with another, and they get a boost of your magical power while they become your willing servant. Basically. However, once you are bound with somebody, they will forever be able to recognize your magical attribute. This is why in some cases with the Witches Council, when one witch is accused of something, and they deny it, they can bring in a ex-contractor and they can verify if it was their magic that was used." Grace looked outside of the window, watching civilization fly by.

"The five species are, of course, dragons, vampires, fae, plant, and human. Plant and Fae contracts are usually for the Cursed Witches, because they are secluded they don't get picked on as much. Dragons and Vampires are mostly for everybody else. Human, that is the one contract that is rare. I'll go through these and explain every one." Grace glanced back at Rose, who had her eyes shut. Her face was more relaxed, as was her posture.

"Dragons live in one certain area. They are very territorial. They do not like any other dragon living in their space, and sometimes they let vampires live in their territory if they pay the dragon a certain amount of money each year. Although very powerful, dragons only take one contract at a time, two at most. There has never been a dragon who has taken more than two contracts at a time before, because they guard what they have with a vicious ferocity. Once they have made the contract, they are honor bound to take care of the witch for as long as their lifespan is. Which, as far as I know, is long. So, at best, a dragon will only take a contract once or two times in it's life."

"Vampires are your classic blood sucking beauties. They're dark, and a lot more vicious than any other contractor. I don't know much about them, besides that they try and take as many witches as they possibly can. I've once heard that the German clan, I think they're called Dunkel Nacht, they once had seven witches at once point in time. However, I think there are only three now. They are possessive, and I've heard they like drinking witches blood because it gives them an energy boost."

"Fae are the most reclusive. They only go to the Cursed Witches who have a deeper sense of the earth. Fae and Plants are one in one. Plants are for all of the cursed, they are the only ones who would take them. Each witch has one single plant species they bond with. Do you remember Ssom? Backwards, that's moss. She specializes in moss, just like other witches do the same. Fae are for the ones who have a deeper understanding of all life around them. Queen Hecate, a friend of mine, is contracted with the Fae of Time. Fae are only reserved for the witches who have understanding of the world better than any of us, and those who deserve them have a greater power than most of the other witches. Fae come from another world, and nobody except their contractors can go see it. There isn't a lot more information about the fae, mostly because they are very secretive."

"And lastly, humans." Grace looked over at Rose, who was slumping down into her seat. "To contract with a human has only happened twice. Both at weddings. To contract with a human is saying you are willing to share your immortal life with them, and that you love them more than anything in the world. Say, for example, Monday. She lives happily with Alexander the Great. I think they both reside in a little cottage up in Finland, though most don't know where any other Day Witches live, I have my suspicions. The second marriage was between me and a man called Nicholas. But that story will come when you aren't sleeping." Grace finished, giving a fond look at Rose who was completely out, her wand still clutched in her hand.

The warmth and focus you get from continually feeling your magic can put even the most vigilant witch to sleep within minutes.

Grace turned to stare out the window, once again, lost in thought.

Words: 33,465

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