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The halls seemed so empty in the palace after everyone had left. No more Thorne cracking jokes, no more Cress zooming around in her maglev chair, no more Scarlet fantasizing about her farm while Wolf fantasizes about tomatoes.

Although she spent many mornings with Winter, she missed her friends.

The worst was two days ago when Kai left. Cinder felt so unprepared for guiding Luna into reconstruction, reorganizing the government, and eventually creating the Republic of Luna she hoped about. Because then, she could move back to New Beijing and be with Kai. And stars knew how far off that will be.

"Cinder?" Iko peeked through the slightly opened door to Cinder's room where she was gazing out the window. She wasn't sure how long she had been standing there, daydreaming about Kai, about her friends, about being Queen.
Wow. She was Queen. Cinder often forgot that she was only sixteen, and sixteen year old cyborgs were not supposed to be Queens. Oh stars.

"Cinder? Are you okay?" Iko had walked further into the room to where she was standing near Cinder by the window.

"Yes-well, no, but it's silly. I miss them already." Cinder turned around to look at Iko. She was elegantly dressed in a lime green silk dress that tastefully complemented her electric blue hair and fell down to her shoes. Cinder, on the other hand, was dressed in some gray sweatpants she had begged for and a blue nightshirt.

"I miss them too, but we can't focus on that right now. I came to remind you about that meeting today-"

"I completely forgot! Iko, when is the meeting?" Cinder ran to her closet and grabbed the first dress she touched. Iko ran over to help her out the dress on.
"It's at exactly 10:45 this morning, which is in approximately... We need to hurry!" Iko sprinted to the vanity to grab a hairbrush and started working on Cinder's tangly brown hair.

"How much time, Iko!" Cinder exclaimed frantically, and fumbled with the buttons on the back of her dress.

"Not much! Let me deal with the buttons, and you deal with the hair." Iko began buttoning as fast as she possibly could, and Cinder smoothed out her hair. In less than a minute she was running out the door, slightly running to the conference room where she would video conference with the Earthen Officials. Halfway to the conference room, Cinder realized she had been running barefoot.

She arrived just in time to accept the call and plop down in a chair.

A/N- This was kind of a poor chapter, sorry! Also sorry for not updating. I have been very busy!(I feel like everyone on wattpad says that excuse for not updating) but it's true! Please comment a chapter request, character request, or maybe event requests. I love it when people comment; I love hearing what y'all think! (yes, I just used the word "y'all") Thanks so much!
(P.s. if you know any good wattpad lunar chronicles fanfic, please tell me so I can read it!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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