"When we x-rayed you to find the location of the bullet, we found that you were pregnant,"

"Pregnant? And what do you mean were?" I asked.

"Unfortunately where the bullet hit, it killed your baby," Dr. Lee said.

"Oh my god," I said, "How far along was I?"

"About five to six weeks,"

I sat there in shock, taking in everything. I had a literal human growing inside of me and I had no idea. Even though it was for such a short time, I couldn't help but feel devastated. I never planned on having kids, at least, not at 19 years old, but it was different now. This was with Dally. We could've had the perfect family, the perfect life together. Now it was all gone.

Then I remembered everything. Dally.

"Dallas. Where's Dally? Can I see him?"

Dr. Lee looked back at the nurse, who gave a sympathetic look back.

"What's going on?" I asked, starting to feel panicked.

"I'm afraid you can't right now, Miss Thomas," Dr. Lee said.

My stomach dropped. All the worst possible outcomes raced through my mind.

"Why not?" I asked as calmly as I could.

Dr. Lee looked back at the nurse again.

"Just tell her Walter, she needs to know at some point," the nurse replied.

And in that minute, I knew that he was gone. Dallas Winston, the love of my life, was dead.

"I'm afraid, Miss Thomas, that Mr. Winston has passed away,"

To hear those words made me feel like I had been shot all over again. My vision became blurred and I thought I was going to be sick.

"No!" I screamed, sobs racking my body.

For a moment, time stopped. The doctors, nurses, and people with their loved ones froze in place and grew quiet. They paused to listen to the girl who was in agony, physically and emotionally, and lend their heart out. Outside in the waiting room, Shelby paced back and forth, anxiously waiting for the news.

Dally had told her and the gang to meet us at The Dingo to celebrate after I would've said yes, but when we didn't show up, they came looking. They found us, laying on the pavement, unconscious and bleeding. Shelby stayed by my side the entire time while Soda and the others called for an ambulance.

"What if she's dead?" Shelby wept.

"She's not dead, Shelby. Everything's going to be fine," Soda said pulling her into a hug.

"I'm scared, Soda. That's my best friend. I can't imagine losing her. And what about Dally? He looked like he had it worse! Aren't you at least a little bit worried?"

"Of course I am! On the inside I'm freaking out! But we have to stay calm. Panicking only makes things worse," Soda replied.

Shelby stopped when she heard me, "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah... You don't think it was Grace, right?"

"That sounded an awful like her, but I guess there's only one way to find out."

Dally's Girl {Dallas Winston}Where stories live. Discover now