Chapter 90

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Brady let go of my hand and moved behind me to cover my eyes. "I can't see where I'm going!" I said giggling. "You don't need to see where you are going. Cover your eyes with your hands please and I'll carry you there." Obediently I covered my eyes and he swept me up in his arms and started walked. A minute later he set me down on my feet and kept his hands on my waist. "Ok, you can open them now." I opened my eyes and my mouth fell open. "Oh, Brady it's perfect!" There was a beautifully built small greenhouse with bricks on the lower part of the building and the wooden frame was sturdy. There was even a old fashioned rain barrel at the side with some wooden crates for outdoor flowers.

"It's almost done. I'm just waiting for the glass to come in. That's the last part and then it will be ready to go! You can plant away." he explained. I whirled around and threw myself at him. "I love it! It's so perfect." Brady scooped me off of my feet and kissed me on the mouth. Hooking my arms around his neck, I kissed him back enthusiastically. "Glad that it made you happy buttercup." he mumbled against my lips and that got me giggling.

I looked around and saw that we weren't too far from the house. The greenhouse was nestled up against the trees at the side of the house which explained why I didn't notice it when Wyatt took me for a walk yesterday. He must have known and kept me from walking in that direction. My men were so sweet! They were perfect for me. I idly wondered what they would be like while I was pregnant. I turned my focus back to the greenhouse and Brady gestured me towards the doorway. I stepped inside and admired the wooden table and shelves.

"When it's done, we will go shopping and get pots, soil and whatever plants that you heart desires."

"What happens if my heart desires more plants than the greenhouse can hold?" I teased him.

"Then I will just have to build a second one." he teased back. We both laughed and walked out of the greenhouse. "Let's go for a little walk, buttercup." I put my hand back in his and enjoyed the way my hand felt so small in his big one. I really liked being able to take walks in the woods while not being so far from home. A blue jay sat on a branch and screeched at us before flying off. A squirrel chattered at the base of another tree. Brady reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of walnuts in their shells still. He put one in my hand and said, "Here buttercup, try giving him one. He's pretty tame and will take it from your fingers if you move slowly."

I took a couple of steps carefully and slowly leaned down with the walnut gripped in my fingertips. The squirrel looked at me and got up on his hind legs and reached out towards the nut with his little arms and hands. As soon as he had a grip on it, I let go and he opened his mouth to get the nut in and raced up the tree with his treasure. I turned to face Brady with a big grin on my face. "He took it from my fingers!"

Brady laughed and said, "Yeah, I come out here all the time and give the little stinker some treats. In the fall, I give him nuts in the shell so that he can have a good stash put away for the winter. He's gotten a little used to humans now."

"That's so cool! Lexine would love seeing him too."

"I'll make sure she gets introduced to Clusters."

"Clusters? You named him that! It's perfect!" I said remembering the cereal commercial with the talking squirrel. 

"Yeah, he looked just like that one so I named him that," Brady pulled out his phone and looked the time. "We should get back to the house so that you can start on dinner. Want some help with it?"

"Sure! Let's get back to the house. I promise not to try to race you." I told him. He laughed and squeezed my hand. We walked back to the house and I took my jacket off as we entered the house. I took it back upstairs with me to hang up in my closet. Brady followed me to my room. "I need to put the laundry into the dryer and start a new load." I told him. He nodded and carried the new load for me to the laundry room. I transferred the washed load from the washer into the dryer and threw in a dryer sheet before shutting the door and starting it. While I did that Brady put the dirty load into the washer for me and filled the dispenser with soap. I started it on a gently cycle and washed my hands.

"Ready to start dinner now?" he asked me. I said yes and we went downstairs together. I washed my hands at the sink and while I dried them, Brady washed his. As I pulled potatoes out and set them on the counter, Brady's phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. Looking at the screen he answered it and walked out of the kitchen. I continued to work pulling different things out of the pantry and fridge. I could hear the low murmur of Brady's voice as he talked into the phone. A few seconds later he walked back into the kitchen. "Sorry buttercup, but I have a job that I have to go on. Looks like I am going to miss your fabulous cooking."

"I'll save you a plate along with Chase's." I tiptoed up to give him a kiss.

"Preston is still in his office but I texted him to let him know that I'm leaving. He'll join you in here soon."

With one more quick kiss, Brady was on his way out. I continued to work on the potatoes and a few minutes later Preston walked into the kitchen. "What can I help you with my dear?"

"Can you please get the butter out of the fridge for me?" I asked sweetly.

"Anything for you my darling." he said and kissed the top of my head as he walked by me. We worked as a team and soon the twice baked potatoes were done and the pork chops were broiling in the oven. Jake arrived home with Lexine and Wyatt followed a few minutes later. We ate dinner together and I was pretty happy even though I did miss Chase and Brady. True to my word, I made them both plates and covered them in plastic wrap and put them in the fridge. Jake and Wyatt did the cleanup and joined Preston, Lexine and I in the living room. We hung out and played a board game with Lexine before it was her bedtime. I took her upstairs and I gave her a bath and put her to bed. I went back downstairs and joined the guys. Chase came home half an hour later and I heated up his plate for him. I sat at the table with him while he ate and told me about his day.

Brady still hadn't come home but I left a note for him on the counter. "Are you going to spend tonight with me sweetheart?" Chase asked me as I walked upstairs.

"Yes, if you don't mind." I said giving him a smile. He grinned back at me and I went to my room to change before joining Chase in his. I changed into a pink cotton short sleeved nightie that reached down to my knees. Going to the bathroom, I used it and noticed that I had stopped bleeding completely so I just put on a panty liner just in case.

Once in Chase's room, I cuddled in bed with him. "How is your cycle going? Are you having any bad cramps?"

"No,  I think that I'm pretty much done."

"So soon?"

"Yes, sometimes my body does this. I'll have it short and light and the next one will be heavy and longer."

"Ok, you know your body better than anyone else. Just let me know if you feel different or if anything changes."

"I will." I promised him. We lay there facing each other and he put his hand on my thigh and I put mine on his chest. Slipping his hand behind me, he pulled me closer to him and gave me a kiss. His hand traveled up my back and massaged the dip in my lower back. I groaned in appreciation and after a few minutes of that I sat up and pulled my nightie off leaving me topless and just wearing panties. Laying back down, we continued to kiss and his hands traveled to my breasts and gently played with my nipples. Chase kissed his way down my neck which made me shiver and down to my breasts. His mouth opened over my sensitive tips and his warm tongue laved them.

I felt the familiar warmth of desire pool between my legs and I knew what to expect with Chase. His style was slow and he worked me up to a great pitch of excitement before sheathing himself and slipping into me. His hands left no place on my body untouched and his mouth paid loving attention to my breasts and neck. He brought me to orgasm twice before reaching completion himself. I fell asleep in his arms feeling cherished and loved.   

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