Chapter 5

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 A/N- Sorry that it took me such a long time to post this chapter! I have camp everyday so that takes up a good majority of my writing time, and I can only type so fast! Well, I was wondering if you guys would be willing to give me some feed back! I need to know what you want to happen, or what i'm doing wrong! Should she be with Dylan, or Cody?! I'm not sure yet.

Well, ttyl

type to you later!



reminder from chapter 4-

"Well, I gotta call someone back, but I'm sure Dylan can give you a ride. I'll go get him for you. Parties bore him anyway."

"Okay. Thank's for everything James."

"No problem girl." He said then he walked back into the house. 

Chapter 5-

Cora's Point of View-

About five minutes after James went inside, Dylan walked through the front door looking completely mellow. 

 He found me sitting on the steps, and he sat down beside me. 

"Wanna tell me what's wrong? James wouldn't tell me.'' Dylan told me, and I immediately began to like James a billion time more then I already did. (a friend like, not a crush like)

"Cody Taylor is a huge ass hole." I state.

"Want to elaborate on that?" He asks with a grin. "We all know that he's an ass, I just want to know what he did to you?" 

I look around at all of the people that were near us, and I noticed that some people were looking at Dylan and I. Probably because they wanted to know what was going on between us. I have to admit that Dylan is extremely attractive.They were also probably looking because I mentioned the name Cody Taylor. 

"Can I just explain later, when there's less people around?" I ask in a quiet voice.

Dylan nods his head. "Sure, come on, I heard that you need a ride, and I'm your man." 

 I laugh, while wiping a tear off of my cheek. "Thank you. I'm sorry that you have to leave the party for me." I say walking next to Dylan towards his car. 

"Don't be sorry, you needed help and I gladly gave it. Besides, parties bore me any ways." 

"Yeah James said that." My voice trailed off as we reached his car. He opened the passengers door for me, and signaled for me to get in. once I got in the car, he closed the door, and walked around to his side of the car, and got in. 

"So, you and James talk about me, huh." He said wiggling his eyebrows, and turning on the car.

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. "Don't flatter yourself there. He told me not to feel bad about having you give me a ride, because parties bore you." 

"Well, he's right about that, I get bored easily." 

'' But you're a guy! How could you be bored at a party with a ton of drunk, slutty girls hanging around you?"

He laughed, and pulled onto the main road toward my house. apparently he already knew where Cody lives. Ugh, Cody. 

"Well, Girls like that aren't really my type." He replied. 

"Oh.." I said raising my eyebrow. "And what is your type exactly?" 

what the hell am I doing! Cody just completely destroyed my faith in guys, who have consumed alcohol, yet I'm flirting with Dylan. I honestly have no excuse for that one considering I'm not drunk. I think.... Nope definitely not drunk. Do I actually like Dylan?

"You know... Down to earth blond's, who have uncommon names, that actually suit their uncommon, personalities."

I think he just tried to call me special!

Either that or he's trying to charm himself into my pants. 

"Oh, Really. Do you know anyone like that?" 

"Well, I might, but I can't tell you until you tell me what happened with Cody." He said smugly.

"Oh, that... I'm sure it wouldn't be important to you, so you shouldn't worry about it. Besides, you wouldn't want to deal with an emotional girl in your car anyway."

He then pulled into the parking lot of my apartment building. He parked the car, and turned to look at me. 

"Try me." 

After a few minutes of explaining, we decided it would be better if  we went into my apartment for me to finish the story. 

"So he said that he only invited me to the party because he thought I would be easy to get with. I can't believe that I actually was starting to trust that douche bag! I'm so stupid!"

I was lying on my  back on my bed, with my legs hanging off of the side. I didn't tell him about the Emotional trauma part, because I honestly don't know him well enough to even be considering to tell him my life story. 

"No, you're not stupid, you just had to much faith in the nice guy that he can be once in a while." Dylan told me, plopping down onto the bed, next to me. We were both lying in the same position looking up at my white ceiling. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself you know?" Dylan continued.

"Thanks Dylan." I simply state.

 He then looked down at his currently vibrating cellphone, and groaned. 

"I have to go, but are you busy tomorrow? We could hang out, get some coffee? It's Saturday, so I hope you don't have a curfew." He says smirking. What an adorable smirk he has!

To be completely honest with you guys, Dylan is gorgeous! His shaggy blond hair gives him a sexy look, and his bright green eyes are to die for! Not to mention that he has an amazing body! I only know that because James accidentally spilled a drink on him at the part, and he took his shirt off so it could dry.

"I'm free tomorrow. Pick me up at two?" 

"Definitely." With that he walked over the front door, and opened it. "Night Cora." He said as I approached him. When he leaned down and sweetly kissed my cheek I almost pissed myself from excitement, but I settled for replying.

"Night Dylan." Then I closed the door.

Oh my fricken goodness! I have a coffee date tomorrow with Dylan Murry!

And he kissed my cheek! Okay, Cora stop being creepy!

With that interesting though, I went to get ready for bed.


"Morning sunshine." 

I awoke to someone whispering into my ear.

"Err. It's to damn early for this! Go away!" That's when I turned around an slapped whoever it was in the bed next to me, when I realized that I live alone.

"Hey! What the hell was that for!" I turn over, and end up looking up straight into the dazzling eyes of none other than the king of all ass holes himself!

Cody Taylor.


I have updated! Hooray! 

Okay I'll keep this A/N short!

Please vote of comment! 

Sorry for the shortness of this chapter! I did't have much time to write!




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