•« We let in light and we banish shade »•

Start from the beginning

''Ashton?'' And when you're speaking of the devil... I look at Juliette. ''Yeah?'' I ask her. ''Can you hand me a blanket, I'm really cold,'' she says. Her lips are a purple color and I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing. ''Are you okay?'' I concernedly ask her. She quickly nods and shrugs my concern off. ''Yeah, just a little cold,'' she says. I give her a blanket, a fluffy one, and drape it over her. ''Thank you,'' she says with a small smile before snuggling into it.

I decide this is a good time to talk with her, just to lighten the mood a little. ''So, how are you doing overall?'' I ask her, and she looks up in surprise. ''Well, could've been better. I'd rather be in a warm place right now and celebrate Christmas eve with family and friends... But I guess this is a pretty good situation seeing the weather and stuff like that,''

''I agree, I'd love to have a decent Christmas right now... But I guess we're okay,'' I say with a slight chuckle. ''Yeah we're good,'' she says while also chuckling. ''Why don't we celebrate it tonight?'' I look up and think about the idea. ''You know what? That's actually not that bad. We could just have a nice little party here. Maybe sing some songs and stuff like that?'' I say. I can see she's getting a little excited now and nods. ''Yeah, we could do that,'' she says with a happy smile.

I introduce the idea to the others and they also seem to like it. ''It's a shame we left our presents in the guesthouse,'' Avery tells Juliette. ''I hope all our stuff and your grandmother are okay,'' Juliette shrugs. ''I think the guesthouse is fine, it was better built than this building,'' I sigh, that might mean our stuff is okay too.

Then a bang follows, it sounds like a door being slammed open. And that's exactly what it is. We look at the door and see a figure standing there. Vomit all over its face and messy hair and clothes.

"Who is that?" Michael asks with squinted eyes. I look at the figure and suddenly recognise it.

"Aiden?" Juliette and I say in unison, after which we both look at each other. I've encountered this person enough times to recognize him, even in this state. For Juliette... Well I guess it was even easier for her. The boys never really met him, so they don't know him at all.

"Yeah, it's me," he says, looking at all of us one by one. "What the hell happened here?" We're all too flabbergasted to process what he's saying, so he has to repeat his question. "Hello? What the hell happened here?"

"There was a blizzard, we were struck by it. We don't know what's going on outside this building because we're trapped inside," Avery summarises. "Where have you been?"

"I got a little too drunk," Aiden ashamedly says. "I went to the toilet, vomited all over myself and passed out after," I scrunch my nose in disgust as I hear his story. "Gross, you laid there all day in your own vomit?" I ask him.

"All day and all night, I had no idea all of this was happening," he hisses at me. I take a step back and man up. "Wow, didn't even have the guts to come out of that toilet, because you were scared?" I ask him. He sighs and shakes his head. "No, moron. I didn't come out because... Because..."

"Because what?" Luke asks him. "I didn't want Juliette to see me like this, I honestly thought I was just away for like an hour..." He admits.

"Well, she did... Too bad," I tell the in vomit covered guy, and he glares at me.

"Guys, stop," Juliette says. "Just try and be reasonable for a moment." We stop arguing and look at her. ''Fighting is not going to help us in any shape or form, we'd better just be good with each other,'' okay, maybe she has a point. I just can't stand that guy. ''Um, who is that guy?'' Layla, one of the girls trapped in here with us, asks. We all look at her, not fully realizing she doesn't understand anything of this. Now I think about it, the other boys also neer met Aiden, like I mentioned before.

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