•« Like angels can fly, we'll never die... »•

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So... I've kind of tricked my friends into thinking that was the last chapter, but it isn't... Lol

Juliette's Point Of View

I'm flying high up in the sky, the clouds are circling around me. I can almost touch them, I'm almost able to reach out and feel the substance. Somehow I can't move my limbs, I'm not able to move my body at all.

I feel how the wind stopped pulling at me, but somehow I'm still flying. I can see them down there, my friends. I can see them holding on to stuff.

I want to scream and shout, but nothing comes out of my mouth. I want to tell them to just let go. It's so much better up here. Everything's quiet. No wind pulling at your legs, no screams around you, only peace.

I think of when I was younger, when my parents were still together. We would always play in the garden. We would play soccer, or just grab our water guns and soak each other.

When did that end? When did they lose their happiness? I was there, alone, inside of that broken home.

Why did it break? Was I the reason? Was I the reason my father didn't love my mom enough anymore to stay faithful? Was I the reason he left us? This past year I was pushed into thinking it was not my fault, but somehow it doesn't get to me.

Everything that happened, they sure weren't things I could've avoided. Everything that happened to me, same goes for that. Why do I still feel like I was the problem?

Why do I still feel like I was the reason my parents got stressed out, causing my father to seek love somewhere else. Somewhere that wasn't our home.

I'm falling... I'm falling down. The ground keeps coming closer and closer. Now all my happy thoughts are gone, I can't let go. There's something pulling me down, and I try to fight it off. I try to scream for mercy, but nobody listens.

Mom, dad... What is happening to me? I've felt this way before. I've been in a place like this before. I made it out of that place then, and it feels like I'm going to make it out again. Maybe I don't want to this time, maybe I feel like I should go this time.

I should've gone back then, it would've been so much easier for everyone. Why didn't I let go? Why do I have to go through this again?

The ground is coming closer again, and I close my eyes to prepare for the impact. Why did I let go?

Avery's Point Of View

"Guys! Her eyes are open!" Luke yells, and we all run back to him, to the corner of the room. The initially lifeless girl has now opened her eyes, and is staring at the ceiling while catching her breath.

"You," Calum demands while pushing me towards her. "You know her the best, she'll probably be happier to see you than us," I scoot closer to the girl and look at her while grabbing her hand.

"Juliette?" I softly ask. Her head slightly and painfully turns towards me, and she looks me in the eyes. "Ave?" She says with the little bit of voice she has.

"Oh my god, you're alive," I sigh while putting my arms around her body and hugging her tightly. "And so are you," she says. I smile and sniff her. It's so good to have her back. "How did we make it out?" She asks surprisedly when she sees us all sitting in the building. "How did I make it out?"

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