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I hate this, Allison dropped me off at home a while ago... I just changed cause I was dirty.
My mom isn't even home, why? I'm starting to worry now like big time worry. Stiles hasn't even called nor has Scott, okay I'm over this as I go to my phone I feel a sharp stab in my stomach, I scream and fall to my knees... I get up and limp down the stairs, as I make my way to the door and open it I see in the middle of fee the street Jennifer pulling a knife out of my dad as he groans.

"Dad!" I scream limping towards the end of my driveway.

"You see David I knew she would come out once she felt it." Jennifer smirks.

"Please, Jennifer please. What do you want! Please leave him alone take me if it helps please!" I say starting to cry.

"Shay no, I wanted you cause of your power but then i learned about you mother, a guardian but she has the same power you do. So I decided to use her, but knowing your father would stop me he has to be stopped first." Jennifer states.

"Please, leave my family alone. Please leave my daughter alone." My dad gasp.

"I wish I could David but I need this, I need it to live." She glares.

"Jennifer please." I cry.

"I'm sorry shayla I truly am." She frowns.

"Dad." I cry.

"Shayla I love you sweetheart, remember that you and your mom are my world if I lost you I would go crazy. Shayla please take care of your mom and yourself, I love you sweetie always remember that." My dad smiles.

"I love you too dad, I promise." I cry.

"What a sweet goodbye." Jennifer says before stabbing me dad in his chest I scream as he falls as I start running Jennifer dissapers. I fall next to me dad and cry

"Dad! daddy please... l...l..look at me dad look it's me it's Shay. Daddy! Please I can't lose you dad I need you dad, look it's your little girl! Dad please open your eyes say something!" I scream crying I lay my head in his chest and cry, soon a bright light is coming towards me but I don't care I don't move, Jennifer has my mom my dad is dead... let it come, let it hit me, let me die.

Stiles pov.

"Fuck!" I yell hitting the steering wheel. Scott left with him why? I'm on my way to shays, she must be worried I had to hold off the cops, so Derek can leave, I explained everything to him, and if things couldn't get worse.. Scott's dad is back in town. I just tried to call Shay but she wont answer. I hope she's okay, her mom should be home... I know she misses her dad. As I turn the corner and start driving down shays street I see someone in the middle of the street, as I get closer I see brown hair laying on something I stop my car and get out. As I walk towards them I notice it's Shay, she sits up and screams. I run towards her Side and grab her and look at her face she has been crying and there is blood.

"Shay what's..." before I say anything she grabs me and starting crying evem harder. I look and she what she was on before I stop breathing for a second it's Shays dad... David.

"She brought him here killed him in front of me... Stiles she took my mom cause, dad wouldn't work and I can't be used so my mom was..perfect." she cries even harder.

"Shay, I'm so sorry we're gonna find her and hurt her just as bad as she hurt you I promise, but first we have to call the police we have to lie okay." I say hugging her she let's go of me and looks at her dad, she cries for a couple more minutes before she get up and nods, I pull out my phone a dial 911.

Shays pov.

"Is that it shayla." The police officer Kyle ask.

"Yes, you keep asking that.. like I said I was coming to get homework out my car and saw him in the street dead." I snap.

"I'm sorry shayla, espically for your father.. we're gonna find you mom I promise okay." Officer Kyle says I nod as he walks off. I feel nothing at this point my mother is gone, my dad is dead.

"Shay." Stiles catches my attention. "I'm so sorry... do you want me.." I don't let him finish as I hug him and cry.

"Yes..please stay, just don't leave.. please Stiles." I cry, he hugs even tighter.

"Shay I would never leave you, come one let's go in." He says I nod and turn before I look back and see my dads lifeless body being carried away, I promise dad I will get my revenge on her I will make Jennifer black suffer.

Save Me (Stiles Stilinski) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now