Imagine Nr. 6

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You wake up early in the morning, Sebastian's beautiful face across yours and one of his arms lazily draped over your stomach. His lips are slightly parted and you can feel his hot breath, tickling you softly.
He is handsome, so gorgeous. You can't help but stare at him - his thick dark lashes casting long shadows on his cheek bones, his sharp jawline with the slighty scratchy stubble, the full and soft pink lips you love kissing so much...
"Are you... watching me... sleeping? That's creepy..." Sebastian suddenly mumbles sleepily with closed eyes and you flinch, your cheeks blushing brightly as he caught you staring.
You cross your arms and huff. "It's not creepy! It's romantic..." you defend yourself and poke him in the ribs. He chuckles quietly and shakes his head. "Um... no" he opposes before yawning softly and his eyes drift closed again.
You purse your lips and take your pillow, throwing it into Sebastian's face. He wakes up again, startled and looks at you with widened eyes. "What the-" he begins but cuts himself off, now suddenly not tired anymore. Grabbing his own pillow, he punches you with it but you just giggle, trying to defend yourself with your own pillow - but Sebastian is clearly winning. For a while you both hit each other with the pillows, laughing amused, having a real fight till you both end up falling to the floor breathless, Sebastian on top of you, both pillows in his hands - he has stolen yours.
But you're still grinning, looking up at his beautiful face, his eyes bright and shiny. "You're a loser" Sebastian murmurs but you shake your head. He raises his eyebrows. "Huh?" Your grin widens. "I'm the winner! Because I got exactly what I wanted... You awake and smiling" you explain and after a little pause you add, shrugging your shoulders "And you on top of me is a great bonus" Sebastian laughs - the happy beautiful laugh you love so much and could listen to for hours - and rolls his eyes. "A bonus? Well... here's another one..." he whispers before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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You and Sebastian Stan - Imagine ...Where stories live. Discover now