Typical Dean thought to himself. "You can explain? Ok well explain to me why you continue to cheat on Brenda huh? She is a good, no scratch that shes a great women, but you continue to treat her like crap." Greg knew he was wrong for cheating, but in know way did he feel like he was treating her like crap. "Woah, now hold on a second, ok I do not treat my wife like crap. Its just were going through a slight faze."

"Oh really, so when are you going to end things with Sasha. Your only digging yourself a bigger hole by being with that women."

" Listen man I will end things when the time is right, but for now, let me have some fun man OK?" Greg stated while trying to fix himself up in the mirror in his office. It took Dean some time to respond. "Whatever, just know that I am one hundred percent against this."

" Yeah man I know. So we good?" Greg said reaching out to give his good friend a handshake. Dean looked at his hand but hesitantly shook it " Yeah were good, just tighten up man", and with that the two were back to normal.

Press and paparazzi were snapping pictures People were asking questions, trying their best to get close to the most successful family in Atlanta. Their were so many fans and press that you would have thought this was Barack obamas Inaguration.

As the limo arrived, one by one each member of the Smith family got out as the press, and screaming citizens parted the crowd like Mosses did the red sea. Once the family got to the top of Atlantas town hall stair case they all took pictures, for the press.

"Mommy, I sleepy" Kyle, stated to his mother while rubbing his cute green eyes, so Devin decided to pic up the growing toddler. " Alright that is enough pictures people. Its time for the Smith family to come in and sit down", Dean stated to the press, due to the fact he was head of security.

The family started toward the conference room were the event was being healed. "Thanks Dean, you know I can always count on you." Brenda said giving Dean a kiss on the cheek. " No problem.

" Dean stated with his sexy Austrian accent. "OMG, uncle Dean" Cassy said going to give Dean a hug. Dean had been friends, with Brenda and Greg since college, and had the opportunity of getting to see the three girls grow up to be beautiful young women.

So that's why the girls always referred to him as uncle Dean." Hey their, and wait just one second how did this get here ?" Dean pointed towards her rounded belly .

"Well if you reall have to ask." Cassy said making the family laugh. " Its good to see you girls. Uh weres Korey?" Dean asked. " Do you really have to ask that", Devin said still holding the almost sleepy toddler on her hip. " Devin thats enough." Brenda stated sharply, yet quietly to her oldest daughter.

"Their goes my wonderful family" ,Greg said coming around the corner to see his family. It warmed his heart to see them altogether especially his baby girls. "DAD!" Devin gave Kyle to Jason and ran to her father to embrace him in a hug along with Cassy.

As Gregory Smith embraced his two beautiful daughters with so much love he couldn't help but realize his baby girl was missing, but yet he still saw James. "Excuse me girls for a second." Greg stated, " Can I speak with you for a second" Greg said pulling James to the side. "James were the hell is Korey?" Greg asked extremely pissed off.

"Shes had a little morning sickness, and wanted to leave on a later flight, but she re-ensured me that she would be here." James stated. He was begining to get frustrated with himself for not making his wife get on the plane with him earlier that morning, due to all of the constant questioning he was receiving from the family. " She better be here."

Gregory Smith stated to his son in law. " We have a deal, remember?" Greg asked firmly " Yes Mr. Smith... I remember."

"Mr. Smith its time for you to come now the conference starts in five minutes." Greg's assistant said, "Ok, I'm coming Greg responded to his assistant. " You better not forget " Greg said one last time to James and with that Greg walked away. "I'll see you all inside" Greg said, "Ok knock em dead honey" Brenda said giving her husband a kiss.

Press zoomed into take pictures and Families were at home tuned in at home to watch Gregory Smith become the Governor of Atlanta. Citizens adored and valued this man. " .....And in conclusion I Gregory Smith am proud and honored to serve as this wonderful city's Governor, thank you and have a blessed day", and with that Gregory Smith smiled and wave to the citizens of Atlanta as he exited of the podium.

"Congratulations honey", Brenda said as she embraced her husband in a loving hug, " Thanks my lady." By this time the family had gathered around, and press came swarming in with many questions. " Gregory Smith how does it feel now that you are officially Atlanta's Governor? And what are your plans for the evening to celebrate?" asked one reporter. " Well I must admit it feels absolutely great to be in this position, and I plan on spending tonight with none other than the ones I love" Gregory said indicating is family. "Gregory Smith, Mr. Smith, Mr. Smith..." reporters continued to yell bombarding the man with their various questions. " That will be all for today you guys" Dean said as he led the the Smith family to their Limousine

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