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I woke up with the intense need to puke. I quickly stood up and looked around hoping that I would find a bathroom soon enough. Thankfully I spotted two wooden doors and made my way to them holding a hand in front of my mouth in case I wasn't quick enough. Not that my poor hand would stop the vomit but anyway. I placed my other hand on the doorknob and tried to twist it, to my utter disappointment, unsuccessfully. I cursed and placed my hand on the other doorknob that thankfully twisted revealing a small but modern bathroom. 

'Thank God.' I said quietly and walked to the toilet where I puked the content of my stomach. 

After throwing cold water on my face and trying to relax I walked back to the unknown bedroom only to have the memories of last night rushing into my mind. 

Shit. I never should have done those shots, then walked out for some fresh air, stayed when the stranger approached me and finally pissed him off. Right now I had a terrible headache - that would probably exist either way because of the drinks that I had, however I did believe that being thrown on the wall was an extra addition of pain- and my body felt sore and exhausted although I had been sleeping. 

After evaluating my situation and ensuring that I hadn't broken anything I looked around trying to find a way out. Then I realized that there existed no windows. None!  

'What the hell?' I thought and tried to prevent my panic from rising. 

Being claustrophobic I didn't care whether the room was small or big- however I have to admit that if the room was indeed small I would have probably fainted by now- the only thing I cared about was the fact that there was no way out. 

I cursed and tried opening the door once again with no success. 

'No, no, no...' I whispered and sat on the floor near the door hugging my legs and resting my chin on my knees. 

After around five minutes I figured that sitting down aimlessly would not help me so I placed my palms on the floor and lifted myself inhaling deeply. I was just about to walk away from the door in search of something that would help me defend myself when someone opened the door and entered the room. 

I held back a yelp and tried to remain as quiet as possible. The same man from yesterday walked in and searched the room probably for me. Then I realized that as soon as he noticed that I wasn't in front of him lying on the bed he would check the bathroom and see me since the two doors were really close. This was my only way to escape. Having no time to think of a better plan than running away I stepped away from the wall and the door and walked out of the room slamming the door behind me- probably not my brightest idea. I looked around and spotted stairs at the end of the corridor. I run there and quickly made my way downstairs only to hit something solid and hard. I stumbled back confused and saw the same man that seconds ago was in the room I was held captive. My eyes widened and I stepped back afraid. How the hell had he reached the bottom of the stairs so quickly without me noticing him?? 

'How...?' Was the only thing I managed to say before looking around me desperate for an exit. 

'Going somewhere?' He said with a smirk plastered on his face. 

Without thinking about it I passed by him, running as fast as I could. I only managed to put two meters between myself and him before he grabbed my wrist and slammed me against his chest securing his both hands around my waist not letting me go. I started squirming and trying to distance myself from him. However the only thing I achieved was to make him tighten his iron grip on me. Desperate I looked around for some sort of a weapon. My eyes fell on a vase made from glass only a few meters away from me. 

He, realizing that I would try to get it, said:' If I were you I wouldn't go for it.' 

Despite that, me being my stubborn self and knowing that there was no way in hell I would go down without a fight, jerked my head behind making it collide with his. That seemed to faze him a little bit because he loosened his hold on me and gave me the opportunity to run away from him and grab the vase. I tried to stabilize myself since I felt extremely dizzy and saw everything double by leaning on the back of the couch that was near me.  

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