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Kara Jenner's POV

My phone rings and I hold it up "one sec guys" I say to my dad (Bruce) and Scott (disick my big sisters boyfriend) "hello" I say into it
"Hiya Kara?" I hear Ben a good friend and interviewer
"Ben what's up?" I look at Scott who pulls a face
"I'm interviewing One direction you know them?"
"Yeah ok?" I smile and my dad looks at me
"Well Niall-" he pauses "you know Niall? Blonde Irish?"
"Ben what's the fucking point?"
"Hey hey hey! Were recording and you on speaker!"
"Sorry" not really
"Anyway Niall wanted to know where you are?"
"With who your sisters?" Nosey
"My dad and Scott" I look at them and they future there brows at the mention of their names "why?"
"He was wondering if you wanted to come down to the show tonight?"
"What by myself?"
"No bring a sister if you want?"
"Right ok I'll see what I can do"
"Alright give me a call?"
"Will do"
"Tell your dad and Scott we say hi" I put my phone down of my face
"Been says hi guys" they smile "alright I'm gonna go now talk to you later"
"Ok sweetie love you bye" he says show off
"Love you too" I hang up and turn to hear a familiar voice
"Kara baby!"

Niall's POV

"Are you serious?" I say been nods
"You know her boyfriends a boxer?" He says my face drops, a boyfriend?
"Um yeah" I nod, a minute later his phone rings again

"Hiya" he looks at me "yeah he does" I do what "no" he looks down what are they saying? "great" he sighs " I will " he looks at me again "she what?" Whey are they saying?? "Sure them all or just.." He trails off "ok will do" he looks down again "see ya hun" he smiles "yeah, yeah... Ok.. Right , bye love you" he hangs up
"So" Liam says
"Alright and gonna bring Kendal" I look at Harry she's his favourite and smirk "there's a party, after you guys wanna come?" I smile
"Well, we'll check with management but that sounds good" Louis speaks up

"Guys I'm so nervous what if I screw up?" I say to the boys just before we go on stage
"You'll be fine!" Louis says
"3, 2, 1 on you go boys!" The stage director says "Harry" he goes "zayn" he follows "Louis and Liam" they go "Niall" my feet freeze "Niall go!!" The say louder and I listen as I exit I see kara at the front I wave and walk to the other boys, I look at kara and Kendal who are taking pictures with some girls.

She's beautiful god.

"Alright guys!!" I say looking at them the crowd scream "I got a couple guests here tonight everyone say heyyyo!" She laughs God she looks good

Kara's POV

I take Kendal's hand and walk over to security
"Can we come back now?" I say near the end as there doing their bows the nod lifting me over some guy walks past Kendal and grabs her waist kissing her forcefully me on the other side I try and hit him off "fucking get of her"
Security jump on him and get him of we walk backstage and harry goes to Kendal to comfort her where I go to niall
" she gonna be ok?" Liam says
"Yeah well she's shaken up"
"How old is she" he asks
" Fourteen"
"You um look really nice..." Niall stutters
"Thanks" I smile and my phone goes off "hey"
"Kara?" Scott
"Whats up?"
"Joey is going crazy over here where are you??" Shit
"Meet him at the party?" I hear joey groan "bye"
"Bye" I look at the boys "we should go... Ken you alright?" She nods I call koko (khloe) quickly
"This guy like totally made out with ken and she like freaked out"
"Oh my God is she ok?"
"Yeah will you come get her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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