Her first thoughts drifted to the Marauders, as they were most likely pressing their faces against her window, eager for banter.

Instead she found her old barn owl, hooting for attention.


Lily pushed up her window and the owl flew in. There was no note attached for Lily's panicked eyes to see, but her owl continued to hoot in a hyper fashion.

She had sent the owl for one reason... to return if her papa was in trouble or harm. If Aurum – her owl – arrived without calmness in her golden eyes, that meant news. Bad, bad news.

"Where's Papa?" She murmured, knowing that the owl couldn't speak a word of English in reply.

Instead, it hooted once more.

Lily rushed to find a cloak that would shield her from the unforgiving coldness of England, and gave a triumphant stance.

"Take me to him."


The forest she travelled through was dark and uninviting, cold and rash in it's own way. Trees cast darkened dancing shadows, hiding the moonlight excellently. The lumos that lit the end of her wand was hardly a helpful tool. She lost track of time and direction, depending solely on her pet. The owl could've been leading her to the wrong way for all she knew.

It must've been well past 9pm now, and she'd be a liar if not noting how scared and hungry she was. Everything would be so much bloody easier if she could just apparate to where she desired, but the Aurum hadn't given her the name of the destination.

It didn't seem like Cardiff, for Cardiff was made of roads and common buildings, as well as plenty of lamps and streetlights to brighten the way ahead. Cokesworth wasn't near much – since it was an unpleasant landing – but Lily could only think of one other place that was rumoured to be mysterious and endeavoured in magic.

She'd heard the tall tales of Wiltshire, and how a mansion stood there, all lonely and isolated. Funny business tended to happen, and it would be easy for her father to lose charge toward Cardiff.

It was definitely worth a shot. Lily could take her chances and apparate to Malfoy Manor, do a quick circulation without getting caught, and confirm her petite guess.

She reached out for Aurum, and with a deafening crack she disapparated.

"Bloody hell!" Lily said irritably.

Apparating constantly made her nauseous, and she surprised herself everyday by not splinching.

Aurum gave a positive hoot, and the chirp carried out with the wind. Lily beckoned him to be quiet, and to stay perched on one of the grand grass hedges.

"Aurum, stay here until I come out. I'll be merely a couple minutes, hopefully papa hadn't got himself caught." The Malfoys were quite unpalatable, and were known for serving the darkness. They had a mediocre reputation - but were obnoxious in attitude.

Severus had been a friend of Lucius Malfoy. Severus, who had also been her friend and the one person she found a confidant in. However everything was merely her past cognizance, that accompanied her subconsciousness in less merrier times. Such as this - where fear shook her. The future was unpredictable, especially when walking up your enemies' doorsteps.

Lily walked steadily from the far end of the cobblestone path, toward the gates. The gates rose high into the air - too high for a possible climb if they were locked. Nevertheless, she persisted. Once Lily reached the tall iron stands that were crested with the Malfoy emblem, she discovered the gate was opened by just a scant creak. Whoever left the gate opened must've been acting carelessly... and was home.

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