"What are you saying?" Adonis asked.

"She's a hoe and I just don't want you to get hurt," Brianna said.

"If anybody a hoe it's you. Trying to talk to me when you got somebody," Adonis said while walking off to lunch. He was pissed off he didn't want to believe Brianna and he knew better not too. It was a little piece of him that believed that Nebbie did one of those things she mentioned.

Adonis went into the cafeteria lunch line. He was still angry and people was trying to skip him and all that. One of them was Lance but he used that as opportunity.

"Lance? What's up with you and Nebbie?" Adonis asked.

"She asked?" Lance said.

"No I did," Adonis said.

"Well it's a long story...You see Brianna came up to me with this plan. Apparently her and Nebbie had beef for a while and she wanted me to bring her down. I thought since I knew Brianna a long time that maybe I could do this before. So I went out with Nebbie for her. Things got out of head between us we ended up...you know. Then the next day I brought her underwear to school and waved it in there and it was so funny. People through it all around the hallway," Lance said while laughing. Lance told Adonis the truth because he knows that Adonis like Nebbie. But Lance wanted to rub it in his face that he already had her.

"So you took her virginity because Brianna said so," Adonis clarified.

"Yeah she even told she loved me," Lance said while laughing. Adonis was pissed off then he was before. No wonder why she won't give me a chance because of this fuck nigga. I bet she was mortified about it Adonis thought. It's one thing you should know about Adonis you should never hurt people you care about.

Adonis got his tray and Lance still laughing till the point where he couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed his tray and then swung around hitting Lance in his face. Lance didn't expect that it caught him off guard. Adonis took this opportunity to sent a hard blow to his jawline. Lance stumbled backwards and then Lance came back up and punched Adonis in the arm to the point where it ended up leaving a bruise. Adonis, really pissed, throw a blow on the bridge of his nose.

Nebbie and her friends were at the lunch eating when they saw everybody standing up.

"YO! They fighting," Benjamin said as he stood up.

"Who?" Jessica said.

"I see dreads in the air," Benjamin said. Nebbie stood on top of a chair. She saw Adonis and Lance and her mouth dropped.

"Oh my god," Nebbie said. Adonis was whooping his ass like Lance had no choice. Lance punched in the face was but Adonis punched him back in the bridge of his nose.

"That's Adonis though," Benjamin said.

"I have to stop this," Nebbie said as he dropped down from the chair and began to walked toward them. It was hard for her to push through the fight. She heard them yelling. Lance was begging him to stop but Adonis was silent. Nebbie was pushing through the crowd but she saw Brianna trying to break them apart.

"You guys stop..." Brianna said. Adonis stop fighting Lance. Lance was roughed up but he wasn't bleeding he couldn't get up at all.

"You a bitch. Don't ever talk to me no more," Adonis told Brianna.

"But I," Brianna began.

"You really have nothing else to do. Don't you?" Adonis asked. The principal came in the lunch room and told Adonis to come into his office while motioning with his hands. Adonis sighed and left the cafeteria.

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