Chapter 23

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Rydel's POV

We arrived at our hotel and dad was cheking us all in to the hotel.

I felt someone take my hand and I knew it was Ellington.

"Hey baaaaabe!" Ellington yawned.

"Hey baby! Jetlag?" I asked.

"Yeaaaaaaah!" Ellington said and yawned again.

"Okay guys here are your room keys!" Dad said and gave me and Ellington a room key.

"Ross and Ryland are sharing a room. Riker and Rocky are sharing a room. Rydellington are sharing a room and me and Stormie are sharing a room." dad said.

"Okay so mine and Rikers room number is 407." Rocky said.

"Mine and Ross' number is 408." Ryland said.

"Mine and Ellingtons is 409." I said.

"Oooh good luck getting any sleep you two! Be prepared for Rydellington!" Rocky said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Eww! Dude stop please!" Ross said wrinkling his nose.

"C'mon. Lets get to our room." I said and walk to the elivator with Ellington.

Soon everyone was on the fourth floor and going into their rooms.

I used the key for our door and walked in.

"Omg a bed!" I said and jupped on to the bed slamming my face into the pillow.

"Look at the view! You can see the venue from here babe!" Ellington said.

"What? Where? Let me see!" I said and got out of bed walking towards the window.

"Over there! See it?" Ellington asked.

'"Yeah! Omg I'm so excited about tonight!" I said and hugged Ellington.

"Me too!" Ellington said and kissed my head and hugged me back.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

I walked to the door and opened it.

"Yo lovebirds! We're gonna look around the city for a few hours before the consert. Wanna join us or do you wanna have a makeout session?" Ryland asked.

"We'll join you guys on the city tour." I said.

"Okay well we're leaving in 20 min. Don't keep us waiting." Ryland said and winked at us before leaving into his own room.

"Okay I'm gonna change and do my makeup and you can do what you want." I said and opened my suitcase.

"Well what if I want to makeout with you?" Ellington asked and smirked.

"We can do that later." I smirked back.

"Oh c'mon! Just one kiss?" Ellington beggen.

"Okay! But only one!" I said and kissed Ellington.

"That wasn't enough!" Ellington pouted.

"Yes it was!" I said.

"I know you want more." Ellington smirked.

"And how do you know that?" I asked.

"You can't resist me and my muscles! And you love me." Ellington said and flexed his muscled.

"Okay I can't resist that." I said and kissed Ellington again but now with passion.

Before we knew it we were bouth on the bed in a really heated makeout session.

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