Chaper 9

185 15 1

Riker's POV

"RYDEL!" Ratliff yelled and there was a loud crash.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled.

"SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! HELP!" Ratliff yelled.

"WE'RE COMMING!" I yelled and ran to the haunted house.

Ellington's POV

"WE'RE COMMING!" Riker yelled.

I ended the call and focused on Rydel.

"RYDEL?! ARE YOU OKAY!?" I asked.

There was no answer.

Oh shit!

I started to move the boxes off of her.

Where the hell did those boxes come from?

Suddenly the bar from the cart opened.

Yes now I can move!

I got out of the cart and ran to Rydels side.

There where alot of bruises and cuts and blood on Rydels face and body.

Who the fuck would do this?

Then the lights turned on.

"RATLIFF! RYDEL!" Ross yelled.

I turned of the flashlight on my phone and put it in my pocket.

Then I took Rydel into my arms and placed her down on the side where it was flat.

"RATLIFF! WHAT HA- OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Riker yelled and ran towards us.

"OH SHIT! RYDEL!" Rocky yelled.

Ross, Ryland and two random guys I'm guessin some dudes that work here came runnung after Riker and Rocky.

"Oh dear god!" Ross said and put bouth of his hands infront of his mouth.

"Delly!" Ryland said and tears started to form in his eyes.

The two other guys ram next to me and oneof them had a firstaid kit.

"Please move sir!" the guy said.

I moved out of the way so the guy could take care of Rydel.

"The ambulans will be here soon." the other guy said.

"Soon a few doctors arrived and took care of Rydel.

They brought Rydel to the ambulans car.

"Can I come with you?" I asked one of the doctors.

"Sure!" the guy said.

"Ratliff! We'll meet you at the hospital later!" Riker said.

"Okay!" I said and stepped into the ambulans car.

The doctor closed the door and threw the back window I saw the four boys run away towards the exit.

The car started to move.

I looked at Rydel and sat next to her and took hold of her hand.

"I'm so sorry Rydel..." I mumbled.

"I promise I'll proteckt you..." I mumbled.

"Rydel... I-I-I love you..." I mumbled and squeesed her hand a little.

Rocky's POV

Soon we arrived at the hospital.

"Oh god oh god oh god!" Riker said while driving.

"Riker! Dude! Calm down!" I said.



Riker looked at me for a few seconds and then sighed.

"You're right..." Riker mumbled.

"Now lets just get out of the car and go see our sister." I said.

"Sure." Riker said and turned of the car then got out of the car.

We walked to the hospital when Riker put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Rocky. I-I really needed that." Riker said and smiled at me.

"Anytime bro!" I said and smiled back at him.

Ross's POV

Rocky and Riker were walking behind us to the hospital.

Me and Ryland walked a little faster.

We walked into the hospital and I walked up to the woman behind the desk.

"Excuse me! We're here to see Rydel Lynch." I said.

The woman started to type something on the computer and then looked up at me.

"Room 464." the woman said.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Your welcome!" the woman said and started to type something on her computer again.

Riker and Rocky just walked into the hospital.

"Yo! Riker and Rocky! Come!" Ryland said.

Riker and Rocky looked at us and started to walk faster towards us.

Soon we were in front of room 464.

"Well what are we waiting for? Lets go in!" Ryland said and opened the door.

We walked into the room and saw Ratliff sitting next to Rydel who was lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

"How is she?" Riker asked.

"She-" Ratliff said but was cut when a doctor walked into the room.

"Hello!" the doctor said.

"Hey!" everyone except Ratliff said.

"And who might you be?" the doctor asked.

"We're Rydel's brothers. I'm Riker this is Rocky, Ross and Ryland." Riker said.

"Okay then!" the doctor said.

"How is she doc?" Rocky asked.

"Well I've got some good news and some bad news." The doctor said.

"Lets hear the good news first." I said.

"Okay. Well the good news is that your sister was lucky to not get ane serious injury to her head or her body." the doctor said.

"That's good!" I said.

"That's really good!" Riker said.

"Yes it is." the doctor said.

"B-but what's the bad news?" Rocky asked.

The doctor looked at us on at a time straight in the eye and the sighed.

This must be serious.

"The bad news is that..." the doctor said and looked at us again before he continued to talk.


Hello! I hope you liked this chapter! Leave a comment to let me know what you think about this so far and leave a vote. BYEEE XOXO ( ・ω・)ノ

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