"Oh, I don't know your name." I chuckled breaking out hug.

"I'm Jade. You?"

"Jayson." At this time I was glad it was dark. He wouldn't see the look of absolute flabbergasted on my face.

Do you think...? I blinked hoping for some light to see his face.

Maybe... Safire hummed.

Don't get your hopes too high. Ruby warned.

I won't.

"Jayson as in, Jayson Wilson?" The boy seemed to perk up at the name.

"Yeah, that's me!" I could hear the smile in his voice "Hey are you from my pack? The moon pack? Or do you know my sister?!- Are you crying?" He paused.

Startled by what he said I blinked rapidly trying to wipe the tears away and ensure my voice was clear of any signs of crying.

"Crying? Uh, no.." I put on a smile even though he couldn't see it. "Maybe..it's just... you share my brother's name." I whimpered softly

"Oh. That's cool, maybe we can be friends!" I chuckled.

I need to see his face!! As if reading my thoughts fire lamps sprung to life giving the room much need light and lo and behold in front of me is Jayson.

My Jayson. My big brother. I sobbed looking at him before pulling him into a hug.

"Jayson, oh my gosh!!" I held him tightly only for him to pull away from me keeping me at arms length away from them.

"Uh..sorry but, do I know you?" I think someone stabbed me.


I sighed again disappointed. Jayson, my brother is right in front of me after having gone missing over two years ago. He is within arms reach of me and I can't hug talk or even scold him because we are captured and he doesn't remember me.

The Jade he knows has red hair, brown eyes and freckles on her face. His memory was swapped. Ultimately it was supposed to be gone but our bond was too strong to be rid of so they just altered his memory.

At least this time we can protect him from harm. Scarlett tried making me feel better. It worked a little bit.

Can't we use a spell to make him regain his memory?

No. The only how to undo the spell already cast upon him is for him to remember you on his own. Your voice your looks your personality. It's all different in his mind but as you are the true version being around him might spark something and shatter the spell. One small memory of the real you will do. Scarlett explained.

I groaned again dropping my head onto my knees.


Jayson pov

Jade. The girl who was brought in three days ago unconscious. After that I was beaten for not being able to answer any questions about the strange girl. She shares a name with my little sister. I admit it made me miss her even more.

Thinking about her makes me feel guilty. I left her with our sorry excuse of a father. I only wanted a job and a place to live in order to take her away from him, but here I am. Captured. Worst of all its been for most, six years.

The thought of seeing her was the only thing that kept me fighting, and getting myself into a lot of trouble.

The Jade with me now was beautiful especially with her multicolored eyes. Although all we had for light was the torches that lit aflame only at certain times I could tell that in natural light, Jade would shine. Thinking about it brought a miniscule smile to my face.

A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now