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I pass them daily
those wandering eyes
walking like their joints
somehow don't fit
afraid to speak
because of wiggling teeth
waiting to jump ship

I nod invisibly
but know they perceive
because I understand
their secret clan

Jedi warrior,
Secret ninja,
All those presidents-
Those heads of state-
and me

Moving in circles
on opposing tracks
All hearing the call
of voices in chaos
Dancing in skulls.

I'm a member on the outskirts
still wading in the rings
of pooled water by shore
Hoping not to take it,
that step into the deep

Someday I'll lead them here
if I'm lucky enough
To the outer rings
where sanity holds
if only by a thread
Of connection to another

Mental illness isn't contagious or amusing. We all live on the same spinning planet and all balance on the outskirts.
**Support tolerance peace, and above all love**

Poems That Don't FitWhere stories live. Discover now