I sighed, understanding now that Ross wasn't the least bit interested in what I was saying. He didn't care, he just wanted to talk to this fake girl who obviously didn't know him like I did.

        "Listen, you seem very nice and I appreciate your interest-," He began.

      I held up a finger at his face, "Say no more!" I looked over at her again, "Go have fun, sorry for wasting your time." I scoffed in disgust and walked away.

      Ross shook it off and headed over to talk to Roxy again.

    I slowly walked up the stairs towards the elevator, but paused with my hand lingering on the golden railing. I turned on the red carpeted stairs to gaze back at Ross one more time. He was flirting it up with the hot blonde girl. I sighed and shook my head.

         "I'm not that girl."

      I headed up to the main elevator and pressed the button. I stood their impatiently and crossed my arms. I glanced back at Ross and the girl again to see her laughing flirtatiously with her hands on his shoulder and arm. I rolled my eyes and-


    The elevator doors opened and I turned to go inside, but paused to let the janitor out. He seemed pretty young for a janitor and pretty attractive to.

       "Pardon me, miss." His eyes looked strange, but I guess it was just the lighting because they went back to a deep brown as he exited the elevator. He pushed his cart out and made eye contact with me the whole way. 

     The light in the monotone styled elevator flickered once as he left. I brushed by him, feeling a little spooky as I entered the elevator alone.

       He stood and watched as I entered the elevator and pressed the button with a 6 on it. I gave him a wondering expression as the cold grey doors slowly closed and left him behind them.

     "GUESS WHAT I GOT?!" Megan slammed the door with her legs because she was hiding something in her arms behind her back.

       I sat in front of the TV eating out of a tub of ice cream from the fridge while watching a soap opera, "Please say it's not lung cancer like Michael?!" I cried.

     "What?" Megan came and muted the TV, "AN AUTOGRAPH FROM ROCKY!" She jumped up and down, "What'd you get from Ross?" She asked.

    I fell over on the bed, "A fat stomach and a broken heart!" I cried, "I'm gonna be alone just like Grumpy Gertrude on One Life to Enjoy!" I sobbed into my pillow.

      "What are you talking about?" Megan sat down on the edge of the bed.

       I sat back up straight and grabbed a tissue, "Ross doesn't love me just like Antonio dumped Angela for Destiny!" I whined and fell over again.

      "Speak in real world language and not soap opera drama terms!" 

    "Ross left me for this hot chick!" I sat up and took another spoonful of icecream.

       "Well maybe he just-!"

    "WAIT TURN UP THE VOLUME AND LOOK!" I leaped up in the bed and pointed at the screen.

         Megan grabbed the remote and pumped up the volume.

      "We interrupt this regular broadcasting, to bring you an emergency warning for the state of New York."  

    Megan and I exchanged worried glances as a dark black haired reporter came on the TV, appearing to be in NYC!

      "There appears to be an outbreak of some kind of monsters! We can't tell what the source or cause of these monsters is but they appear to be originating here in New York City! If you can watch or hear this you need to get inside and lock the doors! Their disease is contagious and we are not sure how to stop these creatures! Just please, head my warning! Go inside and stay-!" Suddenly the poor reporter was oblivious to one of the monsters creeping up behind him.

Say You'll Slay (A Zombie Apocalypse and Ross Lynch/ R5 Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now