Chapter 3

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Hetty picked up the phone, and Callen answered in Ops.

"Mr. Beale, get the team up in Ops; we have a mission." She put the phone down with a slight smile.

Callen walked to the balcony and whistled causing all the team to look up.

Hating the fact his voice was not his own, he just waved his arms at the others, who all trooped up the stairs, backed by Hetty, and Callen in Eric's body, following up at the rear.

Deeks turned to Hetty, as she walked into the room, "Didn't Callen tell you? We can't go on a mission now!" He said. Again he swiped the hair from his eyes, "I need some Damn scissors." he cursed.

"You are not cutting my hair!" Deeks growled in Sam's deep voice, "I swear if you say one more word about cutting my hair, I'll snap your neck."

"Your neck you mean." Sam smirked.

"Mr Hanna, all of you, while you are in...the respective bodies you are inhabiting, you will all treat them as a temple. As such, there will be no removal or additions of anything. Do I make myself clear?"

She waited as a chorus of "Yes, Hetty." went around the room, as Deeks in Sam's body smirked, flashing his dimple.

Sam grinned back, Deeks' smile just as blinding, "That means no junk food, Deeks."

"Mr. Hanna, I am sure Mr. Deeks will eat healthy, while he is in his current incarnation. However you all seem to have another problem. Until now I have been content to let you all live your lives how you wished, as it had not interfered with work. However...."

She paused, and looked around the group. "Mr. Hanna?" Deeks nodded towards her. "Do you not have a..."

"Damn, I'm supposed to be going away with Michelle." He remembered, "Our anniversary, Kam's going to stay with Michelle's sister."

"I'll have to go." Deeks replied, "We can't tell her about this."

Deeks' body stood up, and grabbed Sam by the shirt, "YOU ARE NOT GOING ON VACATION WITH MY WIFE!" he snarled.

"I would rather be at home with mine!" Sam's face looked Deeks square in the eye.

"You are not married?" Sam looked at the occupant of his body in shock.

Nell coughed, "Actually we are...since the IA investigation came to light, we eloped, and went to Vegas." Kensi explained, as she shot Callen in Eric's body a worried look, he mouthed she knows, and a Nell started fiddling with her, or rather Kensi's hair.

Eric, put his hands on Kensi's shoulders, "Nell and I are together too." Callen admitted feeling uncomfortable at feeling Kensi's shoulders under his hands, rather than the rounded softness of Nell's perfect body.

Callen's head dropped despondently, as Eric heard the news; he had thought that Nell was his best friend.

Nell looked over at where Eric was sitting his his chair. "I am sorry Eric." Kensi said.

Deeks' face broke out into a grin, "Congratulations, man,"

"Thanks, Sam."

Hetty shook her head; it was getting really confusing. "We need to keep this under wraps, out of this room, you will all need to be as you appear."

A chorus of "What? Sorry, and come again?" hit her ears.

Nell put her hands on Kensi's hips. "You mean to tell us that we have to pretend to be who we look like?!"

"Yes Miss Jones, outside of this room you will be Mrs. Deeks."

She shot a look of horror at Sam, who looked equally horrified.

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