Chapter 2

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OK as requested here's a scorecard.

Sam and Deeks have swapped bodies with each other.

Callen and Eric have swapped bodies with each other, and Nell and Kensi have swapped with each other.

I hope this clears up the confusion. (For you guys anyway. Everyone at OSP is gonna be confused as heck.)

Chapter 2

"Well...Isn't this fun?" A woman's voice came from a speaker on the wall, "It looks like my therapy treatment worked."

Callen pulled his...well, Eric's knees to his chest as he sat up. He didn't like standing too much as Eric's vision problems made him feel queasy.

"Who are you?" He asked sounding much less commanding using Eric's voice.

The woman laughed, "You don't remember me Mr. Callen? I am insulted."

Callen shook his head nearly losing Eric's glasses in the process and groaned.


Again she laughed mirthlessly. "You spent days looking for me, I spent longer watching you. Ever since you decided to dump my sister."

"Your sister? You've done this to us because I dumped your sister?"

He wracked his brains desperately trying to remember who he had dumped. "Joelle? Joelle is your sister?"

"Of course we never met. My name is Helen DeRobertis. I was Helen Taylor. I'm surprised your new geek girlfriend didn't uncover that fact."

"What have you done to us?" Deeks asked, Sam's voice more booming and commanding than he had ever heard.

"I created a compound, quite by accident. This compound is put in the subjects food and you change bodies with whoever's marker I tag you with."

Kensi shot a look over at Deeks. (Or rather Nell's body looked over at Sam) and then got up to sit next to him and hold his hand for support.

Even though Callen knew it was Kensi and Deeks, and Nell and Sam, he couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that raged through him.

"Why us?" Nell asked.

"Well," The voice gloated over the speaker, "I wanted to teach you and Callen a lesson my dear. But as I watched the team I saw who the dynamics were flawed. I think a lesson needs to be learned by all."

"Turn us back." Sam demanded as he, yet again, moved Deeks' hair out of his eyes with a low growl, which made Nell's body, grin.

"I am not an evil person Sam. Joelle cared a lot about you and Michelle. I am just trying to show you....well, you will see. You will be pleased to know this is not permanent. It will wear off after a few weeks."

"A FEW WEEKS!" Sam exclaimed as he jumped up, "I have to put up with....THIS for a few weeks!" he pointed at the hair in horror.

"You're not touching it!" Deeks growled back at Sam, horrified that he would end up with his hair on the barbershop floor.

"No one is touching anything." Callen decreed. "We just stay here till it's fixed."

"I'm not fixing you, you have to do that yourselves. Think of this as an opportunity to learn and grow. Anyway, I am going away with Joelle for a while. You'll be over this by the time I get back I'm sure."

They heard a door close and the microphone clicked off.

"I think she's gone." Eric said his voice sounding shaky coming from Callen's mouth.

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