Getting good vibes Florida.


Finally my dad sent me a text saying he was out front and I trudged along to go find him.  He helped me load the luggage into his cop cruiser, a Dodge Charger.  Then we had that awkward 45 minute drive home that consisted of about ten solid 'so what's new' sayings and three 'you're going to love it here' s. Almost convincing.

About 20 minutes out from my home to be for the next year: a cozy two story house made of light brown stucco and brown trimming, my dad changed the conversation.

" So as a welcome home celebration, I invited my co-worker and his family over for dinner.  They're a nice family scout, you'll love them!" I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from telling him scout was no longer an acceptable name.

I looked at his clock quickly to see if the dinner was something I could get out of by playing the whole,  'I'm exhausted' thing... 5:30. Well looks like I'll be attending dinner.

Thankfully, we pulled into the driveway and started unloading all my things.  He showed me to my new  room, a nice space with a balcony and easy access to sneaking out.

No, I'm going to be good here, I reminded myself.

Who are we kidding.  That's not going to last long.  I chuckled to myself.

"What scout?" Dad asked with worried eyes.

" Nothing It's perfect!" I said wiping the stupid grin off my face. " I'll be down to help with dinner in a minute."

" Sure thing." he said, glad to have an excuse to give me some space.

*   *

After about an hour of mostly just me cooking and preparing, there was a delicious meal set out on the dining room table.  It consisted off all my favorites: chicken parmesan with pasta, bread, a Greek salad, and lemon bars for dessert.  I could hardly wait.

'buzz'.  I silently winced at the sound of the door bell.  That needed to go.  Setting aside my interior remodeling designs, I reached for the door and swung it open.  I was determined to make new friends here.

I pulled open the door and was greeted by a man who looked strikingly similar to my own dad, tall skinny, and slowly balding.  Next, I laid eyes upon his wife.  She was a pretty lady with aqua eyes and a piercing white smile.  I let them in after saying hello and almost shut the door before realizing there was someone behind them.  

Up walked a boy around my own age.  I decided to take in his clothing choices first.  Casual khakis hung loosely around his waist and a plain t-shirt hugged his torso.  Moving up I noticed he had his mother's pearly smile and his eyes were a shocking blue.  His chocolate hair was hidden beneath a snapback.

Not bad.

But then it hit me.  I took a step back in shock and peered up at the tall boy just to be certain.

Yup, none other than airport boy.

He smirked that signature smirk as he returned my stare.

" Take a picture, it lasts longer." He laughed, brushing past me.

Cue the hideous blushing.


The parents talked for what seemed like hours before finally turning to address me.

" Oh you must be the famous Laney Watts, your dad has talked so much about you!" The lady exclaimed to me.

Dad turned a shade of pink in return. Welcome to the club dad.

Then came the introduction I had been waiting for.  The lady turned to her own son and said " This is our son, he'll be going to Fountain High with you this year." She smiled proudly.

I opened my mouth to tell her we had unfortunately already met, but the boy cut me off before I could say a word.

" I'm Colten Waters. It's a pleasure to meet you Laney." He said, that all-knowing smirk present.

Pleasure is not the word I would use.

I thought about exposing him right there.  I had an undeniable urge to slap that smirk right off his face.  Somehow though, I managed enough will-power to play along. "You too." I said, a fake, lopsided smile planted on my own face.

He squinted his eyes at me as if to say, " You haven't won."

Yeah okay.  We'll see about that.


I ate dinner silently, occasionally answering questions from the parents or nodding my head in agreement to something they had said.  A few times I caught Colten watching me, trying to get any kind of reaction out of me.  Not going to work...okay it worked a little.  I couldn't even enjoy my meal with him staring.  It was beyond uncomfortable.  I mean who does that?  Give a girl a break.

The food was great, but I found myself watching the the clock, begging the dinner to come to and end.  After tonight, I would never have to socialize with this freak again.  I could easily avoid him at school.  

Then Colten's mom spoke, engaging both her son and myself.  "I'm sure Colten wouldn't mind showing you around the campus, right Colten?" she smiled sweetly at him.  We scoffed in unison.  A confused expression crossed the sweet lady's face and I quickly scrambled to soothe her nerves.  " That's really sweet, but I think can find my own way around Mrs. Waters." I  explained.  Her smiled dropped slightly  but she nodded her head.  "Of course." she added quietly.


After everyone had enjoyed their desert, Colten and I were sent to clean the kitchen while the parents continued to talk.  I clearly wasn't in the mood to talk, especially to Colten, so I kept my mouth shut the entire time.  Thankfully, Colten had no intentions of striking a conversation either.  When we finished, we rejoined our parents.

Immediately I knew something was up.  Mrs.Waters had an ear to ear smile and her husband looked extremely content.  My dad looked like he had just won the freaking lottery.

"What?" I questioned, more worried than actually curious.

My dad looked from Colten to me.  " The Waters and I came to the conclusion that you and Colten will be riding to school together for a while, since you don't have a car yet Laney." He explained.  My mouth dropped and Colten looked frantically at his mother.  I feel and argument coming on. However, one look from his mom shut Colten up real quick.

*       *

Shortly after,The Waters said goodbye and headed for the door. 

I felt a sharp stab at my shoulder.  I turned to see Colten.  Maybe he was going to finally apologize for being a strait up brat all day. " Be ready at 6:50 dork." Colten spit out.

Okay so apparently the apology was a no go.  

Then his words sunk in.  I was riding to school with the same boy that hated my guts, Colten Waters.

Kill me.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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