Ch. 10: Meet Kaijo's Vice Captain-the Eldest Kuroko

Start from the beginning

"My father is here?" Midorima stuttered again.

"Of course." Tenri rolled her eyes before nodding to Tenshi to roll away the bound Kise. "How else could this clinic run on the third weekend of every month? Osada-sensei and Tagawa-sensei needs their days off too!"

An hour later, Midorima's father debriefed the situation to the teenagers.

"Kise-kun is extremely exhausted." he said. "He is lacking sleep. Do many of you know what he has been doing that currently makes him overwork himself?"

The rainbow-headed males shook their heads.

Dr. Midorima sighed. "Well, the only thing he could do is-"

The door slammed open. A sky blue haired boy stood in the doorway. His sky blue eyes were full of fury. Waves of anger flamed from the person. His aura was calm yet angry. Everyone but Akashi, Tetsuya, and Dr. Midorima shivered.

Before he took a step in, screams and footsteps were heard from down the hall.

"Prince Kuro! Please sign my magazine! Please give me your autograph!"

"Excuse me," the boy said, not losing his cold demeanor. "Give me ten minutes. Then I'll deal with this matter."

After signing several magazines and autograph boards, the boy walked up to Kise and slapped his head with a wooden fan.

"Ow!" Kise yelped.

"Three hours." The boy growled coldly. "Three whole hours that I could have been using to do something else. I've been waiting at Maji's Burgers for you the entire time only to receive a call from one of my sisters saying that you were in a health clinic. What do you have to say for yourself, Kise Ryota?"

Kise flinched at the boy's cold voice, though he could nearly understand what he said.

"..." The boy glared at the blonde. Then he turned to the doctor. "Dr. Midorima, what is your diagnosis?"

"Kise-kun is extremely sleep-deprived." Midorima's father answered. "His glucose level is really low. He is also dehydrated, malnourished, and, though he does not look like it, underweight."

"What is the best way to get him back to full health?"

"Well, for one thing, he needs sleep. I can give him a prescription to aid him  for a while. The other is to give Kise-kun nourishing food in small amounts, preferable every one and a half to two hours when he is awake, for the next three months. Absolutely no dieting either. Exercise needs to be moderate as well."

"Understood." The boy sighed before putting on a pair of glasses. Then he took a small notebook out of no where and begin to write. "I shall cut down and revise his training menu until Ryota has recovered fully. I'll see to it that he eats. I will also contact Ryuu-oji and Hana-oba and tell them what happened. I shall ask them to cancel any photo shots Ryota's manager has scheduled."

The Generation of Miracles looked in amazement as they watched the stranger and Midorima's father conversed in two different languages. On the side, Tenshi and Tenri took turns translating what the boy said in Japanese.

"Don't tell them." Kise harshly glowered at the boy. "Do not tell my parents."

The boy gave him a scowl before he started to answer back. "Like you have any choice. Your health is on the decline, and it is against my standard to put the ill players out on the playing field. You were lucky enough that your friends got you here before you collapsed into a coma."

"Excuse me," Akashi interrupted, using the many language lessons his father had him go through. "But may we know your name and who you are?"

"Ah," the boy hummed. "I have been speaking in English haven't I?"

Tetsuya, Tenshi, and Tenri nodded.

"And I never did introduced myself, did I?" the boy switched to Japanese.

All the Generation of Miracles, except for Tetsuya and Kise, nodded their heads to both of the questions.

"I see." He glanced at the girls and gave them a raised eyebrow. The girls sighed.

"This is one of our other siblings," said Tenri.

"His name is Shiroma Kuroko Tetsuko," added Tenshi. "Tetsuko-nii-sama and Tetsuya-nii-san are born on two different days, but a few minutes apart."

"In other words, he is my twin," Tetsuya stated emotionlessly. "My elder twin."

Tetsuko grinned ferally. "And I also happen to be Kaijo's new Vice Captain."

Kuroko and His Siblings: Athletic Royals [1rst version]Where stories live. Discover now