Boring as hell

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It was a sunny day and I am holding his hands like it was a casual thing to do. I felt safe and protected while holding his hands it is the best feeling that I've ever felt! How I wish it will never end. The guy pull me into his arm and started leaning in when he was about to kiss me he slowly starts to vanish.

What?! Wait! No come back! Not when you were about to kiss me! Nooo-

"What the hell?!! Why would you do that?!"

"Well I've been trying to wake you up for the past 30mins and to no avail you're still asleep while moaning, like you were making out with someone in your dreams"

"But that doesn't mean you have to pour some freaking cold water on me! What is this Ivy?! A freaking Ice bucket challenge?!"
I yelled at my long time bestfriend who've been there since the day we were born because our mothers were also bestfriends.

"But gael! It's a beautiful saturday morning where we should go out and try to look for our one true love!" She sighed dreamily while imagining some stupid scene in her head

" As your bestfriend best not to get your hopes up because you and I both know that will never happen"

I decided to get up because I just did the ice bucket challenge without my knowledge and I don't want my precious bed to get wet.

"But gael as your bestfriend you and I both know too that its not true just look at our moms they were able to find our dads they're one true love"

" Yes I know but-"

"See! You even agree! You also believe in true love! I was right! So let's go be-"

"Before I cut your tongue!"

" Yeah! before you cut my what?!"

" Yes I will do that if you interrupt me again! Let me finish!"

She zipped her mouth and throw away the key. Yes it's true that our mothers did found their true love but guess what? It wasn't that easy for them. I mean can anybody tell me who hasn't experience some hardships in your relationship along the way? Anyone? No one right? Just like christina Perry song 'We're only human'

"Ivy I got your point but first let me change my WET clothes! I don't want to go down looking like this"

"Yeah you go do that! I'll wait for you downstairs okay?"

I went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror. Well, I guess I could say that my parents have done a great job imparting some good genes to me. But I won't say that I'm really pretty Ivy is the definition of pretty. So it's better stop daydreaming if I'm not down within 20 minutes they will probably think that I sleep again. I change my clothes into comfortable ones that is not wet cue eye roll. As I went downstairs I notice that they are already in the dining table I saw ivy's parent, my evil twin brother and my parents.

"Hi honey, I see you graced us your presence did you had a good sleep?" My dad said as I'm making my way to him and kissed his cheeks. Don't judge I just love my parents and all so I don't want to regret for the rest of my life not showing it to them.

"It's fine daddy not until someone decided that she wants to pour some cold water on me so yeah, it's fine right Ivy?" As I was saying this I also kissed my mom and sat down on my chair

"Hey it's not my fault that sleeping beauty needs her prince this morning I wasn't informed so I decided to do some effective way of waking her up" she said while smirking to me

" yeah, like you won't wake up no matter what I do and so I left Ivy to do her magic" said my evil brother twin who is grinning like a fool

"Oh yeah? Really? Magic huh? Next time I'll also do some magic to you guys! You just wait and see!"

"That's enough we should eat now I'm sure by the time were done eating your grandparents will be here" Dad informed us And I was really really really surprised! I mean come on! What are they doing here? I love my grandparents but you know this summer didn't go so well I tell you it was plain torture like capital TORTURE!!

"Why dad? Why would they be here? I thought they said they were going to travel for a bit? We'll be going back to school soon no one's going to keep them company" I ask my dad worriedly

"honey, they have to take care some business here personally even your brother will be going back here soon" Mom said while looking at dad and to Ivy's parents.

I look at them with wide eyes what the hell is going on? Even my brother is coming back! If they are going back and taking care of some "business" is the reason there's only one thing I can think of there's going be a war and its going one of hell a lot disaster.

As I just sat there while waiting for food I can't think of any other reason. Maybe mom and dad are just joking I mean come on! Even my brother is coming back it's like there's going to be a reunion! Damn it! I can't think properly I'm getting hungry. There's is just one thing that I have to do now I have to be ready for whatever's going to happen. I'm sure it's not going to be boring as hell anymore

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