After the meeting I slowly trudge back home, the wound in my side stinging and tearing at me. I hear footsteps behind me, so I turn around to find a yellow ranked soldier approaching me, his height and age are definitely older than mine. As he towers over me at a possible height of 6ft 2", his stress marks on his forehead shows that he has been in the army for quite a while, but possibly not a hard worker. His hair is thinning a little from it being black towards a grey colour at the roots. "Hey. My name is John Wesley. Your the Captain of Lidan's army, right?" John asks and I nod. "When I heard the warning go off I bolted out of my home and started helping people who had been ambushed before you warned everyone. It seems that I'm going to be promoted to the highest tier tomorrow. Anyway thanks for the warning." He tells me as he walks to my side and we start talking for a while until I get in viewing of my home. A cold sweat runs down my forehead as the wound continues to try and eat itself into more pain.

"Hey, could I ask you something Captain? Who do you think is the spy in our army? I'm on guard coverage but we only get a few bandit raids a every four years or so. And I have never seen someone try to walk out of the city other than me. Well, see you tomorrow Captain~" John says the last part in a sing-song manner before turning down an alleyway. Something about what he said is got me alert, how did John know about a spy? And he said he was the only person that walked out of the city. Which means...

I turn around before defending with my sword at the last possible second, as John slashes down at me with a murderous intent, sparked fly as our blades fight against each other for ground. "How's that wound holding up? You know, not that many people can survive a demon slicing into their stomach, including if it's claws were tipped with poison." John tells me and I curse under my breath, that's what's been draining my energy and making my eyesight fuzzy? I continue to defend against John as he lands a barrage of attacks on me. I slice at his legs to stop him, but I only manage to cut in a few centimetres before withdrawing and trying again, damn it, my energy has been drained. John just laughs and continues to whittle me down till I am fighting just to keep standing.

I have to use it, there is no other choice, if I don't do it. I die.

I recite the words that I was taught only to use when I was outmatched or dying, I feel like that this scenario has fallen into both categories. "Œīèß çuëß" I mutter before pointing at John, who is puzzled at what I am doing. A few moments later he doubles over at starts to moan and scream.

"Stop!!! My brain!!!" He yells out in mercy but I continue as I fall to the ground with my back against the wall. John's limbs start to bloat up, as if water was filling them. Which it is. A few moments later he's swelling up like a balloon and I can his bones start to snap and groan under the pressure that the water is putting on him. Eventually the water stops and John painfully looks down at me, water spilling out of his eyes, nose, ears and mouth as he frantically tries to say something. But finds out that he can't breath, as water has filled his lungs up as well. I clench my fist together before channelling the water to burst out of John's body. Causing him to explode into bits of water blood and chunks of bones that rain from the sky. I wait for the last pieces to stop falling before attempting to get up, which ends up with my back against the wall of a house. As I try again I can feel my conscious slipping from my grasp, my eyes start to close and the last thing that I see is shoes approaching me.

".... Captain!" A rough voice shakes me awake and I look up to find Sir Kyle and a couple of guards. I sit up slightly before finding my wound has healed and I don't feel energy deprived. "What happened here?" Sir Kyle asks me as I look around to see remnants of John dotted around the street.

"John... Was the spy in our midst, I managed to take him down." I explain to Sir Kyle before remembering something. "Sir Kyle! Did you see someone walk away from here?" I ask Sir Kyle hastily, start going him slightly. He scratches his head before shaking his head. I look up at the bright morning sky before sighing.

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