Chapter One

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I get up and take a look around my chamber, the floor has rough and thick brown carpet covering it. A couple bookshelves, drawers and a medium sized wardrobe that are all made out of spruce wood are placed around the room, the closest thing near to me except for the comfortable bed and fireplace is a coat hanger with my belt, slacks, tunic and sword hanging off of it. The walls are made out of roughly sized stones cemented together. I count 3 wooden shutters spread evenly across the outside of the room and let the morning light seep into the room. There's also a drawing desk with a few drawers next to the shutter thats the furthest away from the door.

Swinging my legs over the side of my bed I get up and take the slacks off of the coat hanger and put them on, the material is light but soft to the touch and is a khaki colour. I do up my belt, which is made out of a rough leather hide and has an emblem of a dragon engraved into a badge of gold in the middle of it, and walk over to my wardrobe before opening it and placing my hands on my hips and try to find something. I spot my armour and grab it, putting on my shirt that was hanging off the hanger I carefully place my shoulder guards, vambraces, small chest armour and chainmail. Making sure the straps on my armour is tight I put my sword and scabbard onto my belt and open a shutter, letting light flood in and leaving me with white spots dancing in my eyes.

Shielding my eyes until they adjust it dawns on me that I can hear crickets chirping and birds singing away happily. Taking my arm away from my eyes I look out over a courtyard that is surrounded by stone buildings with underbridges going underneath them. Birds fly past as they break out into a song and the grass in the courtyard shimmers as a gentle breeze combes through it. I breath in the cool morning air and smile as I lean out of the window. As I do this a man walks underneath the passage way and spots me.

"Good morning Lord Darren. Weather is quite fine this day, is it not?" The man asks gruffly and I smile at him and nod.

"It's quite wonderful indeed. And how is your morning Sir Kyle?" I reply merrily as I examine Sir Kyle more closer; he's wearing full body armour with a longsword attached to his hip and he's taller than a horse, our Lidan horses are 2 metres high without the neck being measured. Which isn't quite high. But for a human it is. His helmet is off and tucked under his arm so I can get a better look at his face. It's slightly scarred, but still has the handsomeness that girls would like, for an 47 year old man he looks quite young. White hair only just spreading into his roots and trying to invade his normally rather short blond hair. He also has a beard that has been well trimmed over the years to grow into a 2ft beast.

"Lord Darren. Are you coming to breakfast? I'd say that it is rather early for you to be up. Usually you are asleep until midday," Sir Kyle remarks and I chuckle nervously and rub the back of my head with my arm.

"Yes. Yes I am. Um. Would you mind moving a little to the right for a moment please?" I ask him kindly as he reaches the middle of the courtyard. He looks slightly confused but does as I say and I plant my arms firmly onto the frame of the window before pulling myself through it and jumping out. Air rushes past me as I make contact with the ground and grunting in annoyance as my knees knock against the stone path. Straightening up I take a few steps to meet Sir Kyle and walk with him to the hall where breakfast, dinner and lunch is served.

We walk past countless more buildings with people just waking up, the path soon widens out and more men slowly get up and out of their homes as we make our way toward the hall, which is in the middle of the castle. As we close in on the hall I'm greeted by several men who have their armour on and swords or bows at their side. "Good morning Captain Darren!" They tell me as I walk over a bridge whilst also in an important conversaton with Sir Kyle. I bow slightly to them and continue with Sir Kyle. It takes us a few more minutes to get to the hall and by the time we are there its already 11 o'clock.

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