They are a gem, truly. I guess one can never really appreciate something before losing it, or facing a hard situation with it. Just like me, Esme and Wren. Just sitting here in the middle between them, makes me realise how thankful I am for having them, how lucky I am that they stand by my side and always have my back.

In a heartbeat would I give up my life for them, honestly. They have given me so much, and don't get me wrong, I have given them so much, too, but it is these things that value our bond and relationship between each other.

I truly love them so much it hurts, and I don't even realise it.

"Oh my fuck, guys," Wren excitedly screams as she jumps out of the bed with a huge grin on her face. "Tallulah, at the first day of the training we learned how to break free!"

"Break free?" I confusedly ask. "Weren't you guys supposed to only find out about your powers?"

"No, actually the Air House was supposed to do the same, but Sir Artair changed it." Wren explains.

"Why would he do that?" I scoff.

"He thinks that powers are the most important thing, he is always extra focused on them." Esme shrugs.

"Oh," I nod. "Anyway, break free?"

"Yes, duh!" Wren says as it's the most obvious thing. However, right before I start questioning her, she takes of her shirt and faces her back to us.

And that is when it catches my eyes. The too familiar, long, arched lines on her back that I have seen too many times on my mother's back. Slowly, these two lines widens as Wren takes off her bra, and I watch as they slowly get out from these line, their whiteness blinding me and putting me in awe for their beauty as they expand and get bigger.

Wren then moves them, making them cover her chest as she turns around with a smirk on her face.

"Oh my Lyara," I barely whisper, eyes wide in astonishment. I quickly turn to Esme as I ask, "are yours the same?"

"Just a bit blue." She shrugs with a huge smile on her face.

"Wren, this is so fucking pretty, oh my," I quietly say.

"Well, fuck if I didn't give Harry a show just yesterday." She announces proudly.

My jaw falls open, "you didn't!"

"Oh, I did," She wiggles her eyebrows with a grin. "And I'm not the only one."

I know for a fact that I did not give anyone a show, so when my jaw opens even wider and I turn to see a blushing Esme, I know that my thoughts are right. "What the fuck..." I whisper.

"Wait till you know who." Wren giggles as she returns them back and puts on her clothes again before jumping on the bed.

"Esme?" I ask as a smug smile starts to stretch my lips. "Who was it?"

"Promise you won't tell anyone." She warns.

"Since when do we do that, honestly?" I huff as I roll my eyes.

"Well, I don't know if you remember or not, but me and him had a 'thing' in the past," she breathes before a smiles breaks her free. "And I just couldn't help it because it's always something different with him."

"Who is it?" I rush her.

"Sir Boyd." She bites down on her lip as she says so.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

"What?" I snap, my jaw dropping. Fuck, it hurts already. "Are you fucking with me?"

"No, I'm not," she laughs slightly.

"No, fuck no," I say, blinking heavily. "Wow."

"I know." Wren laughs.

"Wow." I repeat as I laugh at the end.

"Oh, shut up," Esme playfully nudges me with her shoulder. "I'm sure you and Louis won't keep your hands to yourselves for much longer."

"Ha, ha," I roll my eyes, though I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks for just thinking about me and Louis getting intimate. Man, it's such a fantasy.

"We'll see who laughs at the end." Esme shrugs before she stands up and literally kicks us out of her house because we, especially me, interrupted her 'sleep'.

I walk Wren to her house, having a few conversations with her before we arrive to her house and say goodbye. And as I walk towards my house, I notice Ed in the cemetery.

Smiling sadly, all the memories comes crashing back to me as I see him sitting next to the only cemetery he always sits next. Without noticing it, I find myself walking towards the cemetery and towards Ed.

Cautiously, I sit down next to him and he eyes me with a sad smile before focusing back on the grave.

"Hi, Aaliyah," I say so quietly, smiling softly as I rest my head on Ed's shoulder.

"I miss her," he sniffs, sounding as if he is one step away from crying. "So much."

"Oh, Ed," I whisper as I wrap my arms around him, embracing him as he silently cries on my shoulder. "It's okay, love."

"It's been a year, Tallulah," he cracks. "A year without her and it has been like hell." He whispers as I rub my hands up and down his back.

"I know." And I do know. Ed and Aaliyah weren't like anyone else. They were literally inseparable, and they loved each other greatly that I envied them. I envied them because I never knew that this much love existed, that people who can love each other like they did existed. It was surreal; it was almost abnormal for anyone else here.

They would always stand next to each other, through good and bad, they would always have each other's backs, and even though they fought a lot, they never rested before they solved their problems together. It was crazy how they grew up already in love with each other and they never got bored or sick of it.

When Aaliyah got sick and cancer got the best of her, it was like Ed's world has crashed upon him. It was awful to see him in such a desperate mood, looking helpless and lost. However, he would never let those emotions control him when he was with her. He would always smile and tell her how she will get better, and how their wedding will be the best, and how their children will be just as beautiful as she was. He was truly an angel to her.

"I miss her so much." He repeats as a sob finally comes out of his mouth. It looks like he has been blocking it for a long time.

"I know, Ed," I say quietly, tightening my arms around him. "I do, too."

And it is selfish for me to think about Louis in this time, when my friend needs my attention and care, but I can't help but hope for so many things right now. Their love has made me jealous, but it also inspired me and gave me hope.

And right now, I can only hope that Louis would carry half of the love that Ed carries for Aaliyah, for me, because my love for Louis has passed both Ed's and Aaliyah's love.

Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading and please, don't forget to vote and comment :) x

Midnight Shadesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें